Author's Note Three

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Soooo, I decided a little while ago that I was gonna get rid of the whole goal thing because I thought about it and realized that I'm not writing this book to get famous. I mean yes, it's great to know that people are enjoying your book but that doesn't have to mean there needs to be a lot of people. Honestly, I'm just writing this book because I enjoy writing and I don't care if I get 19 bajillion views. Obviously I wouldn't object if that where to happen, but I highly doubt that and I'm perfectly happy with even just one person reading my book. I realize that, while having the goals can be kinda fun for some authors and their readers, it's just not my thing. I kinda felt like I was forcing people to read my book just to get updates. I also felt a little like I was punishing the people who already read my book. Like, you guys are already here reading my book and making you wait until a certain number of other people read it too isn't fair to you. I want you guys to read my book and be able to enjoy it without feeling like you don't matter because you do matter. I love, love, love, all of my readers, even if "all" means one person. I don't want y'all to feel like I value fame or whatever over you're experience as a reader, because that's definitely NOT the case. So that's why I've gotten rid of the goals. That being said, I can't promise a strict updating schedule right now for two reasons. The first one is that my summer job is in the woods (Yeah...#Nature) and I don't have a ton of time to write and my wifi access is gonna be limited. Like really limited haha.

The second reason is that I'm having a little bit of writer's block. Yes, it's still happening, someone save me. The issue is that I know where I want the story to end up and I've planned out all the main events, but other than that I have nothing. I start a chapter just by writing a sentence and going from there and just basically allow the story to form by itself. Sometimes when I sit down to write, nothing comes out, which is what's been happening lately. I know what I want to happen in the story but I don't know the exact details. I'm struggling a little because I want the story to move along naturally and not be too fast paced, but I also don't want to bog it down with details and bore you. So yeah, that's where I stand right now.

All that being said, I AM STILL GOING TO WRITE AND UPDATE. I just don't know how frequently this will all be happening. If y'all ever have any ideas of what should happen in the story and might solve my writer's block, I'm all ears *Chuckles awkwardly* You can comment them if you'd like, or private message me if you're more comfortable with that :) BUT, I can't promise I will use every single idea, so please don't be offended if I don't use your idea.

Anyway, enough of that. This author's note is waaaayyyy too long. I'm gonna end it now before you're eyes fall out and you can't read the next chapter because that would be really sad XD


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