Rich Young Boy

21 3 0

Genre: Romance

Stats: Ongoing

Author: lastfridaywrite 

Blurb: Eli Cruz is the dreamy mischievous unobtainable dream boy that every girl wants. It doesn't help that he's in the biggest band of the century, the Warflowers. His green eyes and beautiful brown shaggy hair could make any girl melt on the spot and Merry Renata was only human. After an embarrassing incident that occurred at the last concert she attended, when she was fifteen, she vowed to be done with the band. She broke her vow real quick though when she discovered years later that the band was spending a semester at her university. When she unexpectedly runs into Eli she believes that she could be in her very own fan fiction, but life isn't a fan fiction, and Eli definitely not "the one."

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