It Will Always Be A Game

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Genre/s: Mystery/Thriller/Romance

Status: Ongoing

Author: seaveyamiel 

Blurb: The treasure of the Tristan family has been in search by the authorities for years. The family claims that it was stolen. But they don't want the police to find it. Suspicious you might say.

One day, the authorities receive a tip regarding the person who has the location of the million-dollar-worth antiques. Not just the antiques, though. One of them has data on a pen drive that could reveal the royal family's dirty secrets and perhaps jeopardize the state. Only Shane Rivers, a former employee of Carl Tristan, and Alyssa White are aware of the whereabouts. Additionally, they are best buddies. Allies, best friends, partners in crime-you name it. At least that's what Alyssa thinks. Rivers learns that the cops are after him. He hasn't mentioned anything about a pen drive to Alyssa. Detective Ethan Presley works for the NYPD. He is aware of the Tristans' treachery and the extent they would go to prevent the enemies from getting their hands on the relics. He is tasked with tracking them down. Alyssa White must assist her friend in leaving the nation, she has no idea when she'll see him again. But what happens when he leaves and she is left to clean up the mess? What happens when she becomes a suspect in the investigation? Will she be able to clear her name, or has she made herself a target in their eyes? Read more to find out.

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