Dangerous and Beautiful

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Genre: Fantasy

Status: Ongoing

Author: Dianathena 

Blurb: Venus was the goddess of beauty, she was beautiful and kind but her father Hades was the complete opposite and this caused hatred between Venus and her father.

Athena was beautiful, strong and smart and she had a peaceful and happy life but little does she know that all that peacefulness would soon come to an end. Artemis was the goddess of the moon and hunt she always loved her precious moon and always protected it but one fateful day it got destroyed! Demeter and Gaia, best of friends and partners in crime if they ever committed any crime They enjoyed each others company and loved one another like they were sisters and had a very happy life until Hades came...But these five goddess, all hurt by one god who has continued to rain hell upon all their kingdoms, and soon they will come together to avenge, get revenge and save their people but there will be some hard times.

(Contains violence)

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