Intro + Rules

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 This is a book for free advertisement for your book/s or if you just want to find some new books to read!


1.No mature or LGBTQ+ content

2.English Only

3. Do not be rude to anyone in the comment section or I will remove your book from the advertisement.

4. A maximum of two books per account a month.

5. Please let me know of any necessary trigger warnings.

How It Works:

 If you would like to advertise your book/s just leave a comment or pm me. I will then ask for your book's title and what genre it belongs to. Other information like the description (blurb) or cover image I can get myself. I will assume your book is ongoing but if it is completed just let me know.

 If you change your cover, title, or description/introduction after it has already been posted please inform me so I can adjust it accordingly.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day and God bless!

...also if you have a long username I have to type out I just want you to know you're the bane of my existence lol (jk ofc)

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