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Opening my eyes Theodore was bleeding on his chest. He looked so weak and leaned on me for support. I was shaking with fear. I looked at the door and Jeffrey was standing there with a gun in his hands. He looked terrified. "I..I am so sorry Aurora. I-I...I was protecting you. H-He was going to kill you." He said with tears in his eyes. Theodore was gasping for air then he fell down because I couldn't support him anymore.

Suddenly Tyler came to the washroom. "What's going on here?" He asked us. We didn't say anything. When he saw Theodore on the floor, he looked at Jeffrey and said "It's okay. It's okay son. Now give me the gun." Jeffrey gave him the gun immediately. "Everyone calm down. Everything will be alright. I am going to call my doctor. Aurora try to stop the bleeding." He told us and left. I looked for towels in the cabinet and found one. I pressed it on his chest to stop the bleeding.

Ten minutes later Tyler came back. "The doctor is gonna be here anytime." He told us. He came and helped me to put pressure on Theodore's chest. He was now looking so pale. It reminded me of Skylar. I felt something rushing from my stomach. I ran to the toilet and puked. My stomach felt sick. When I got back the doctor had arrived. They took Theodore to this special room for surgery.

"I am so sorry baby I wasn't there to protect you." Ryan said when he came close to me. I was still shaking from the incident which happened a few minutes ago. I wiped my tears and said "It's okay. I am glad Jeffrey was there on time." He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. We stayed like that for a few minutes then I told him "I need to look for my brother." He looked at me and nodded his head. I left and went outside. Jeffrey was sitting on a wooden bench in the garden. I walked to him and said "Hey." He looked at me and said "Hey." "Thank you for saving me." I told him. "Am I going to jail?" He asked. I sat down with him and held his hand. "No! You're not going to jail." I assured him.

He took a deep breath and asked "What if Theodore doesn't make it?" I looked at him and assured him "He is going to be fine. Trust me!" Tears blinded my eyes. I tried my best not to cry in front of him. I pulled him in a hug. We stayed like that for a long time until he pulled away and said "I think we should go and check on Theodore."

We went in and found The Tylers sitting, waiting for the doctor. We sat with them and Eleanor kept giving me weird stares. It has been four hours now since Theodore went into surgery. I was starting to get worried. Eleanor and Tyler left us waiting. Jeffrey was thirsty so I went to get him water. On my way I heard Eleanor and Tyler arguing.

"Why did you invite that guy in the first place? I always tell you not to bring your business in our house!" Tyler shouted.

"He came to collect his payment." Eleanor said. "Why couldn't you just send him the money?" He asked her. "We had other things to talk about!" Eleanor was now yelling. "I always told you. I don't want your dirty business at my home!" Tyler said.

"My dirty business? How about you? You always bring your clients at our home. Your drug friends!" She said that and I heard footsteps. I rushed to the kitchen to get some water.

When I got back to the living room and the doctor came out of the surgery. "How was the surgery doctor?" Tyler asked him. He looked at all of us and shook his head in disappointment. " so sorry Mr. Tyler. I...I really tried my best but the bleeding was too much." He told us sadly. I looked at Jeffrey and he was crying. I went close to him and hugged him so tight. Eleanor left. Tyler came and hugged us.

I was really scared. Will my brother go to jail? How about college? He is only 20 years old. He can't go to jail. I can't allow it. Where did he even get that gun? Oh Jeffrey! My baby brother. I made him sit and take a deep breath then I gave him some drinking water to calm him down.

Ryan went close to him and said "Hey man. Don't worry. Everything will be alright. I am glad you were there on time before something really bad happened to your sister. You were protecting your sister. I am proud of you." Jeffrey looked at him and surprisingly he hugged him. At some point I was glad to see them hugging. Tyler came close to Jeffrey. "It's gonna be fine. Let me call someone to take care of it." He told him that and left.


I opened my eyes and it was already morning. I was laying on a sofa with a blanket on me. Ryan was watching me. "Morning beautiful." He greeted me with a smile. He looked fresh. I could still smell his aftershave. His hair glistened and still looked a bit wet. "Morning babe." I told him then he came closer and kissed me. "I am sorry you slept on that sofa. You fell asleep and I didn't want to disturb you." He told me. "It's alright. No problem." I told him.

"Where is my brother?" I asked him. "Oh, he is with my dad and some lawyer I guess." He told me. "A lawyer?" I was shocked. Why is a lawyer talking to my brother? I am getting worried. "I am gonna use the washroom." I told Ryan and left. I went to the washroom. After I saw a door open and I heard some distant chatter. I followed the door and stood outside. I heard Jeffrey asking "Will I go to jail?"
"No! No! Never! I won't allow it. I won't allow my own blood to rot in jail." Tyler told him.

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