I am...n-nani?

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Hey hey hey
'Tis me...Lucky-chan
Thank you reading my stories and enjoying them
But if you're new, please do become a sprout in my ARMY and follow me 'til tomorrow
Now let me get to the story

October 13, 2020
Tuesday around 17:40pm (5:40pm)

So, today someone called me cute
I don't know how to feel about this
Let alone, react to this complement
I don't know why it's so hard for me to accept this complement
Oh, wait-
I know why
Cause I've been bullied for the past 15 years based on my appearance and how I looked
And for the 15 years of my life, people called me, TO MY FACE, they called me
And many other things that aren't appropriate for a seven year old to be saying.
I mean, I understand if an adult says it
"Hey your outfit looks cute"
"Your hair looks cute"
"Your shoes look cute
Then I'll say oh thank you but I'll say it so awkwardly
Especially if there's other people in the room because then they'll also be like
"Yea, you have cute outfit on"
But like
As many times I see you in the hallways and in class, We have never spoke a word nor look at each other
You have the audacity to NOW say my appearance looks cute
And I wear this outfit every Thursday
Excuse me but please don't breathe the same air as me
But if it's a boy my age, adorable and my type
I don't know how to respond
Because it's a person that I either know or don't know and they're like
"You look adorable"
If you don't understand what that feels like then imagine this...

Your crush or idol walks up to you and says
"You look adorable in that jacket"
And they smile and walk away while patting your head

But it's weird when a mid fifty's mans says it
But it depends on who says it
Your dad, of course it's fine, he's your dad
Your uncle, of course it's fine, he's your uncle
Your grandad, of course it's fine, he's your grandad
A random stranger - a sweet old man, of course, he's just being nice and peaceful
A random stranger - a man who randomly texts you or walks up to you and stands too close, NO, pepper spray to the eyes, he is perverted and probably a kidnapper

So, long story short
I usually don't respond correctly nor properly to a normal compliment
Because for most of my life
And most of the time I've been alive
Everyone I know calls me
I'm just use to insults more than compliments cause I react faster

But when my close friends call me cute I'm like
"Why thank yoooou...tu también te ves linda"
                                         ( you look cute too)
"No u"
But if it's people I don't know I'm like
"Stop talking"
"Don't breathe the same air as me"
But it rarely happens when someone calls me cute
So I shouldn't worry haha

But there was this one time
My close close friend called me cute
And my heart was fxxking POUNDING
It hurt so much
But all he said was
"You're hair is fluffy"
Then he stroked his fingers through my hair and then said
"Ouuuu and soft"
Like I don't know how to explain it
Thank you for reading ( ^ω^ )
I hope you enjoyed
And again please join my sprout ARMY if you haven't already
I hope you keep reading
"My Dumbfounded Life"
And enjoy my emotionally weird days (^o^)
Have a good day/night/afternoon

(o^^o) ~ Lucky-chan ~ (o^^o)

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