Chapter One

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(April's Pov)


I stared at Donnie and the guys very mad after what Mikey just said, of how it was their fault for my father becoming a mutant bat. I looked down not wanting to look at them, trying to take it all in. "April..." Donnie said and I felt his hand and I moved my arm and stared at him. "No don't touch me! Get away from me, I never want to see your faces again!" I yelled and I ran out of there as fast as I could. I stopped running knowing I was far enough, and slowed down.

I just walked and started crying knowing my only family my father is now a mutant. I couldn't take anymore mutants or kranng, just for once let me have a normal life. I couldn't stop crying and ran into an ally. I stood up against a brick wall and slid down and sat down hugging my knees. "When will I ever be a normal girl?" I whispered to myself still hugging my knees. I finally stopped crying when I heard something in the back of the ally. I stood up slowly and looked around. I heard the noise again and looked at the direction the noise came from. I walked over slowly trying not to scare whatever was in there, and jumped back when something popped out. I fell backwards and looked up and saw a girl stand over me holding out her hand to me. "Hey, sorry I scared you. I didn't see you." She gave me a smile. I just stared at her not knowing what to do. She didn't seem mean, she looked about my age. She wore a red T-shirt, jeans which were ripped. She also had black boots. (I think they were black, there wasn't much light to tell). I looked up at her face, she had long black/Brown hair(again not much lighting in the ally). Her eyes looked brownish, she also was wearing a pink head band. I don't know how long I was looking at her, but she seemed annoyed and said "Look are you going to take my hand or do want me to leave?" I looked at her then her hand, and grabbed her hand and she helped me up. "Sorry, it's just that I don't think I've seen you around here. Did you just move here?" I asked then I was dusting myself off. "Yeah, I just moved here yesterday, oh by the way I'm Isabelle" I looked at her and smiled. "Well nice to meet you Isabelle I'm April" "Sweet name, so was it you that I heard crying?" I looked at Isabelle then I looked down a little embarrassed. "Y Yeah that was me" "Ok so why were you crying? Did you get dumped, don't worry it happens" I chuckled knowing that wasn't even close to why I was crying. "What's so funny?" Isabelle asked. I looked at her and sighed. "It's not that, it's something personal. I don't want to talk about it" I said and looked down again. "Hey if you need someone I can always be there, where do you live?" I told her and her eyes widen. "Me too I live in the same building, I live on the first floor" Isabelle said with a smile. I smiled too and we both walked together, heading to her apartment. Thank goodness I don't have to be alone.

(I'll update it soon...promise)

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