Chapter Six

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(Isabelle's Pov)

I really didn't know where Casey was taking me. Something told me this guy seems to be a nut, but I shrugged it off.
"How much further, Casey?" I asked, trying not to be so annoying, yet. "Hmm, not much further. What you getting tired already?" Casey said, then looked over to me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "No, I just wanted to make sure we weren't lost, duh." Casey just laughed. We kept walking in the sewers for awhile. It smelled pretty bad, but I got used to it. Unlike Jones, who looked like he was about puke. I just chuckled.

"Alright we're getting close to the lair." Casey said. I just gave a small smile. As we got closer, I could hear voices. Also I could see light coming from down the tunnel. We got to the entrance and I was about to walk in when Casey grabbed me. "Hey, what the..." Casey covered my mouth before I could finish. "Ok, look before you go in there. I want to warn you." Casey looked around, then back at me. "My friends might be a little uptight, because humans don't ever come down here. The only humans that know about this place is me and red." I just stared at him. "So don't be scared, and don't scream, alright." Casey said with a smile them took his hand off my mouth. I sighed and looked at him. "I know you're trying to protect my, but I can take care of myself ok." "Hmm, fine then." Casey said with a smirk. I just shook my head and sighed. I watched Casey go in first, and there was a lot of yelling and 'Hey Casey!' I took a deep breath and walked in. I kept my head down as I walked in. I really didn't know what will happen. But I had butterflies in my stomach as I walked in. When I looked up I saw April and Casey sitting on the couch. They were sitting next to two giant.....turtles? I blinked my eyes trying to get what I was seeing. Then I saw another turtle on the floor in front of the couch. Then there was another one behind the couch. 'So there are four giant turtles, I should of known.' I thought. I felt sick to my stomach, but I calmed myself down. But at least everyone was watching tv, so no one saw me. I looked at the four turtles and they all had colored masks on. The two on the couch had purple and blue masks on. The one on the floor had an orange mask. Then the one behind the couch had on a red mask. I didn't know what to do. So I took a step back but my boot made a squeaking noise. I stopped and had my eyes closed, hoping no one heard that. But I felt eyes on me. I opened my eyes and the turtles were looking at me. Also so were Casey and April. I froze, my heart was racing and I felt my face get really hot. Now I really felt sick to my stomach. I didn't move, but everyone still had their eyes on me. I felt my face get hotter. "Uh...u-uh..." I said. I felt like such an idiot. "Ha aha ha, she's so red in the face!" The orange masked turtle laughed. I just starred at him. "So well are you going to do something or what?" The red masked turtle said. "Hey guys leave her alone. Can't you see the girl is embarrassed." The purple masked turtle said, then got up and walked over to me. "Hey are you alright?" He said with a smile. I just starred at him. "Uh...y-yeah." I finally said. "Well you seem a bit tensed. Is it alright if you can come with me to my lab?" The purple turtle said. He then held out his hand to me and I took it. He walked down the steps and past the couch with everyone still starring at me. I tried to calm myself down but my heart was still racing. We got to this steel door, where the turtle walked up to and opened it. "Ladies first." He said and I walked in with him followed behind me. I just looked around the lab, looking at all the machines and chemistry stuff. I even saw that there was a microscope. "Why don't you sit in that chair then?" The purple masked turtle said and I nodded. I sat down in the rolling chair and sighed. I looked over at the turtle and saw him looking through the shelves. He then walked over to me with a vial in his hand. "This should calm you down." He then put his hand on my forehead then on my cheek. "Hmm, you still feel pretty warm and you're still red around your cheeks." He smiled and then handed me the vial. "Here, but you must drink it all for it to work." I nodded and opened the top. I drank it in one gulp. I then closed the top. I sighed and felt a cool feeling through my body. Soon I felt my cheeks start to cool down and I felt more relaxed. "Better?" The turtle asked and I nodded. "Well, since you're cooled down, uh...would you mind telling me your name?" He asked, then he started to blush. I smiled and cleared my throat. "My name is Isabelle." I said. The turtle smiled. "Well Isabelle, my name is Donatello, but you can call me Donnie."

(Hey peeps, so I hoped you liked it. Yeah I know it may have been a longer chapter, but I feel happy with this one. Anyway vote or comment on this if you liked it and I'll update soon, bye ^-^)

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