Chapter Four

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(Isabelle's Pov)

I woke up and heard my alarm clock buzzing, I groaned and hit my hand on it to make it stop. I looked at the time and I was already late for the bus. "Great already late on the first day." I roll myself over, not knowing that I was at the edge and then fell landing on my butt first. "(groans) Ugh great, just what I need." I get up and head over to my dresser and pick out clothes and get dress. I finish, grab my bag, grab an apple out of the refrigerator and head out the door. I ate the apple as I walked to school and finished it. I walk in and all the halls are empty. "Great, just my day." I look at my schedule and head to class.

(April's Pov)

I didn't pay any attention to the teacher, I was doodling in my notebook. Then I heard the door open and I look up. "Well nice of you to join us finally, are you new here?" The teacher said. But I couldn't believe it, someone is knew to my class. Finally. I couldn't get a good look at the person, but that's what I get for sitting in the back. "Yeah, I'm new here. The names Isabelle." "Well Isabelle, since you're here you can sit next to O'Neil." No it can't be, but it is. Isabelle is in my class and she gets to sit next to me. She walks down the row and sits down in the chair next to me. She didn't once look over to me, she got out this notebook and starting drawing. I just stared at her, hoping she look over my way. But she just continued to draw in her notebook, I frowned. "So didn't think I see you in my classroom?" I smiled. "Me either April" Isabelle said, not looking up from her notebook. Ah, so she did see me. "Hey after school, you want to come with me to a 'special' place." I smirked. "Sure, better than doing homework." She smiled. "Perfect." Then the bell rang and we headed out.
(Isabelle's Pov)

All of my class were all so lame. I swear I must have fell asleep through all of them. Good thing the teachers put me in the back of the class. Well except in Gym, there I think I had the most fun. Well I did untill this weird boy kept bumping into me, I knew he was do it on purpose. But now finally it's lunch, and I get to not hear boring teachers for a whole period. I walk in and found a table in the back to sit, away from all these idiots. I got on line, got lunch and headed over to the table. But I felt hands turn me around and come face to face with this red head kid. Who was my height, or a couple inches taller than me. He had an ugly face but somehow had abs and was muscular. "Well, well what have we hear. Looks to me like a new girl to this school. Isn't that right sweetheart." He grinned. I hope you guys don't know what's it like to smell this guy's breath. "Yeah, I'm the knew here. The names Isabelle." For some reason, everyone stopped talking and looked at us. "You seemed confident to say your name, sweetheart. So my name is Rick. Got that!" "Yes sir!" I smirked. He was in shock and smirked. He still had his hand on my arm, so I pulled away. Then everyone gasped. Rick just stared at me and clenched his fist. "Did I tell you that you could move newbie." I put my tray on the table behind me and turned back towards him. "Well no." I said and crossed my arms. "Oh you think you're the one that calls the shots. Well listen her sweetheart I...." "And don't call me sweetheart, Rick. It's Isabelle, got that!" I smirked. He looked at me in anger, walked up to me, grabbed my shirt and picked me up off the ground. "What did you say newbie." "I said it's Isabelle. Got that!" I yelled and kicked him in the stomach and he went flying backwards. I dust off my shirt, looked up and saw him coming towards me. I sighed and when he came close, I punched him under his chin and he went flying up. I jumped and kick him in the stomach and he went flying backwards and crashed into the wall. I landed back down on two feet. When I looked up, everyone clapped for me. I didn't know why, but I bowed. Then the lunched doors opened and a teacher came in and was walking towards me. I started running and went out through the back lunch doors. I kept running until I came to the fence. I looked back and now four teachers were running after me. I started climbing the fence and got to the top. I swung my leg over, but then I felt hands grab my leg......

(Oh, cliff hanger. Sup people hope you guys like this so far. Will update soon!)

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