InuYasha [FanFic10]

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*Note from the author*

I must admit, it’s been ages since I’ve even had a look at this story. I know that quite a few people have been hoping for updates on it and so I’m truly sorry for making any of you wait so long. From the bottom of my heart, it means a lot that you’ve been patient about this. Anyway, without further ado, please enjoy~!


I opened the front door to my house and unsurprisingly, my family had returned home. My mother’s voice was audible from the kitchen and the television was on in the living room.

“Ah, Kagome!” my mother said cheerfully as InuYasha and I entered the room. She was hunched over the stove, tentatively stirring a pot of what was probably miso. “Hello to you as well, InuYasha! It’s been a while.”

InuYasha wasn’t exactly completely used to her overenthusiastic ways just as yet. “Hi,” he mumbled. InuYasha looked at the ground and stared at the shoes he was unfamiliar to.

All of a sudden my brother, Sota, came charging into the kitchen, holding InuYasha’s sword. “InyYasha! InuYasha!” he yelled. Sota tugged on InuYasha’s red kimono, hoping to draw more attention to himself. “Can I see your Tetsusaiga? Petty please?”

I suppose even InuYasha couldn’t deny the puppy-dog eyes my brother gave because he pulled his sword out from the sheath. However, to Sota’s dismay the sword didn’t transform as it usually did. Instead it stayed in its original state looking quite small and pathetic compared to Tetsusaiga.

“What’s wrong with it?” Sota asked disappointedly. But judging from InuYasha’s face, he was just as confused.

InuYasha peered at me with a look of misunderstanding and worry pinned to his face. “Where’s your grandpa?” he asked. “I think we have more to ask him about than we’d originally thought.”


Gramps sat on the floor of his room sipping from a small China mug. He was most likely having his cup of afternoon tea.

“Old man, we have questions,” an irritated InuYasha said.

I placed my hand lightly on InuYasha’s forearm, hoping to calm him at least slightly.

Since my grandfather was the oldest in the family and knew so much about the Feudal Era and the Jewel, it seemed as though he was the perfect one to go to for the answers we needed. InuYasha pulled the cap he’d been wearing off his head and tossed it to the floor while he waited for some sort of reply.

“Hello, InuYasha, Kagome,” he said nonchalantly, giving a simple nod of his head to each of us.

“Listen here,” InuYasha said, trying to keep his cool. “My sword’s not working and there’s a problem regarding the Shikon Jewel.”

Gramps looked at InuYasha blankly for a moment and then spoke. “The Jewel is gone.”

I glared at InuYasha, silently praying that he would just stop talking before he said something seriously rude that he’d regret. Luckily it seemed like he got the point.

“Gramps,” I started. “Earlier today while I was down the Bone Eater’s Well someone questioned me about the Jewel. They accused me of having it but in fact, we know the Jewel is gone and completely destroyed now. Isn’t it?”

My grandfather had another slow, cautious sip of his drink. “There’s never been a solid myth behind the Shikon Jewel, Kagome. Seeing as you were born with it as a part of you, who knows whether or not it returned to you once it was destroyed one final time?”

InuYasha turned to me and then back to my gramps. “Then why can’t I sense it too?”

“They say that you grow unaware of what you’re constantly around. Maybe it’s somewhat like the same sort of idea in this case. But it could be anything, really. Maybe it’s because you no longer feel a need to have the Jewel for yourself. Those who want it tend to have a stronger sense of where it is. That’s what legend says, anyway. Though that theory would explain why someone else would have noticed it but you didn’t.” Gramps’ words were directed towards InuYasha.

Could it really have been that InuYasha no longer wanted the Jewel for his own purposes?

My mother’s words interrupted any means of further conversation. “Kagome, supper is ready!”

The three of us headed downstairs to join Sota and Mom for dinner.


Somehow it happened that InuYasha decided he didn’t want to return to the Feudal Era that evening. And somehow, my mother happened to decide that she was okay with him staying over. It wasn’t too uncommon for me to spend a few nights at home once in a while but InuYasha always went back through the Well, thinking he’d overstay his welcome by simply asking if he could stay the night. And above all things that surprised me most, Mom suggested that InuYasha should sleep in my room.

“Have I ever mentioned how dull your room is, Kagome?” InuYasha mentioned as he took a seat on the floor in the middle of my room.

I tried to hide the scowl on my face while I walked over to have a seat on my bed. There wasn’t much inside my room but I certainly wouldn’t go as far as saying that it was boring.

He laid down on the floor on his side, propping his head up with one of his hands. “I mean it’s not terrible but...” his voice trailed off.

I shot him a glare, not even bothered to hide it this time. “Are you going to sleep on the floor?” I asked, trying to change the conversation.

“Yup,” he answered simply.

“A blanket?” I persisted.

“No, thanks.”

The look on my face was one of confusion. It was quite normal for InuYasha to sleep on the floor. Heck, we all did in Feudal Japan. But why he didn’t want at least a blanket when he was offered one was beyond me.

I reached for my cell phone from my night table and unsurprisingly there were loads of messages that had accumulated since the last time I was home and had a look at my phone. There were twenty-nine of them in total. The majority from Yuka, Eri and Ayumi and even a couple from Hojo.

Sighing, I put the phone back down and went to get changed, leaving InuYasha on the floor.

By the time that I had gotten back, InuYasha had moved from the floor to my bed. I gave him a questioning look. Did he really think he would sleep in my bed now?

“InuYasha,” I said, watching him burry his face in a pillow.

“Mhm,” he mumbled through the cushion.

“Um, what are you doing?” I asked.

More mumbles came from beyond the pillow. At the moment, he was lying on his stomach, clearly not having a care in the world. InuYasha flipped back over, his long silver-white hair getting tangled in the midst of all his motion. “I think I want the bed,” he announced. “Or we could always squeeze.” He gave me a devilish smile and the scooted over, making room in the small, single bed.


I woke up briefly that night, wrapped in InuYasha’s strong yet comforting embrace. It wasn’t often that I felt as secure as I did it that moment; needless to say, I drifted off again easily, my mind at ease. 


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