Creepypasta Oc #3

Start from the beginning

They also do not have any tattoos

Locke does have a lot of scars over her body due to a accident she was in her teens, usually wearing a mask to cover them up.


135 lbs

The Slender Manor

Creepypasta Name:

Prefers her hands but if things go wrong, he'll either carry a baseball bat or a crowbar. If she has neither on hand, they'll use whatever they can get her hands on

Killing Style:
Locke tends to stalk her victims when the time is right, often times using technology to stalk them. When he feels like the time is right, he'll let either Ko or Ray front and whoever's fronting goes out to their victims location when they are asleep. Once their there, they'll twist their neck and break it. If the victim is awake however, if they have a bat or crowbar on hand, they'll go for the head and kill them using blunt force trauma. Their signature mark no matter how they are killed is that they'll always take a picture of the victims body and scribble out the face with the proxy sign before laying it beside them

Killing Preferable:
Ko and Ray both prefer to kill at night and while Ko prefers to spice up how she kills, Ray prefers to keep everything the same to make it quick and easy. Victim wise also varies. Ko likes to go after whoever she can find just for her own enjoyment while Ray on the other hand will either go after those Slenderman tells to go after or those he doesn't seem fit to live.


Killing Partner:
Prefers to go alone but will go with any of the other proxy's when needed


She is very quiet most of the time. The only time she talks to someone is if she is bored or is she is spoken too. Sometimes she is just considered as invisible due to her being so quiet. If she sees someone that she cannot talk to, then she is unable to speak at all. She has low self esteem and lack of confidence. She gets annoyed very easy with people that she doesn't like. Especially if they are doing someone or saying something that they don't like. It takes very little to make her upset or mad and when she is mad or upset, she'll take her anger out on anyone and it takes a lot for her to calm down. She pretends to not care about anyone or anything but she secretly cares about those that she is close to but just doesn't show it. When her altar Kowareta or Ko for short kicks in and takes control of her, she's more aggressive and blunt towards nearly any and everyone, and doesn't take anyones bullshit likely. It doesn't take a lot to get her angry and ready to fight most of the time if someone says something wrong to her. Ko is more flirty towards those she finds interesting unlike Locke, usually flirting to those she "likes" only to toy with them for her own enjoyment. Her other altar Ray is more tactless when it comes towards others opinions and responses while also having some pessimism in his responses. He tends to have a god like complex most of the time, making it about him and only him, putting himself before others or anything. He does not care about anyone or anything, even going as far as leaving someone to die and then lie about it. He finds everyone and everything nearly annoying half the time. The only time he ever pops up is to give someone his opinion or when on a mission. But overall Locke is a quiet and reserved person while her altar Ko is a cocky yet aggressive and flirty person, while Ray is a narcissist who finds anything annoying.

Thomas Woods is her father who had died in the same accident that Locke was in and Elizabeth Woods is her mother who is still alive supposedly. She has no siblings


Locke was a sweet and self reserved kid who lived in a town who most people knew because of her selective mutism as a kid. He was often bullied at school for how he was quiet and didn't talk. The only person that Locke could talk to was her father but she refused to tell him about the bullying. As they grew up, her selective mutism continued on and she got bullied verbal and emotional. He began to develop low self esteem and anxiety in the beginning of high school but carried on with life. Their life changed on the night on her 16th birthday when Thomas and Locke were asleep while Elizabeth was at work, someone had decided to break into their house to steal. Thomas had heard it and grabbed a bat to see what had happened when he caught the burglar stealing and quickly tackled off the unknown intruder, but they ended up stabbing Thomas in neck area. They then cut the electrical wire to start a fire before leaving. Locke woke up to the smell of smoke later on and did her best to escape the burning building, receiving many burn injuries from the escape. She managed to escape but by the time help arrived it was already too late for her father and she was taken to the hospital for the burn injuries. From that time being she wasn't the same. He never spoke a word towards anyone although showing some signs of aggression towards everyone but her mother, especially towards those who bullied her. She eventually started going to therapy but by the time she was 18, she was diagnosed with DID. From then on, things weren't normal for her anymore because of her trauma and DID. She eventually graduated and went to college to be a photographer. One late evening of August 17, Locke was walking to her dorm when a few popular classmates whom she had the same classes with in high school came up to him and asked if he wanted to go out to the woods to 'look for some things to take pictures of'. Seeing this as a possible opportunity to try and make some friends, she agreed. Later that night, she and the group went out to the woods when one of them started making jokes about Slenderman, making the group laugh. Locke felt uneasy by the idea but suddenly something in her took over. She heard immense ringing in their ears before their nose started bleeding. Her altar Ko suddenly was being manipulated by Slenderman themself. Just before he passed out, he saw a glimpse of the humanoid creature standing in front of the group. A few hours later, they woke up in the woods with a branded circle with a x in the middle on the palm of her hand. They heard the ringing again expect louder, then it stopped as Ko took control. As Ko stood there looking at the unconscious bodies, she kneeled down by each one and twists their necks, breaking them before walking away under the influence of Slenderman. They now take control of Locke and use him like a puppet for their own desires.

Because of how easily Locke forgets everything, he keeps a letter journal and pen with him, writing his every move throughout the day so that he can look back at it in case if he forgot.

"Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful."

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