"So what's up?" I made myself comfortable on the couch.

"Okay, so one of my plans is to have you and Henry do something with me, obviously Micheal too, and have your mom and JJ spend time alone."

"Hmm i don't think that would work. If me and Henry suddenly say that we want to hang with you and it not because my mom is out on a case, they might just spend their day on their own separate time."

"Then I can't think of anything and trust me kiddo, I always come up with plans."

We sat around until I came up with something.

"Okay, we can lie, just a small lie. We can make sure the others are involve as well so it won't be suspicious. We can reserve a table for 2 and just say that we all going to eat together but when we get to the restaurant that I hope you can find that nice, some can text that they couldn't make it last minute and you can pretend to want to take us kids someplace fun and that someone accidentally book a table for 2 instead a group for more than 5 people."

"Gabriella Prentiss, that is genius. We need to go explain this to Hotch and Rossi first and then fill in Spencer and Derek later." Penelope squealed loudly.

"Wait, won't my mom get a bit suspicious if suddenly we walk out there and go talk to Rossi or Hotch? Beside I didn't see them when we came in, neither did Derek."

"Oh that because they're in the briefing room talking about-" she stopped herself

"Talking about what?" I asked as I wanted to know

"Just a case that's confidential and you don't need to know, let's go." I knew I wouldn't know much about the cases they would be working on but it was worth a shot. I followed Penelope but damn even in heels , she is fast. I almost tripped by trying to catch up to her. She open the glass door and just barge in, not even holding the door or making sure I was behind her. I pulled the handle and followed Penelope who was already up the stairs so I stopped at my mom's desk not even bothering to follow Garcia into the briefing room.

"Woah woah, what the rush?" Derek said as my mom and JJ look confused at Garcia.

"Do we have a case?" My mom ask

"Oh no, Penelope just wanted to talk to Rossi very quickly, no worries." I didn't bother following Penelope to the briefing room, I sat back down on my mom's desk.

"Gabi, you know your chair is right there?" My mom said as she was writing down in her papers.

"I know, but if I'm not mistaken, you're probably going to be called into the briefing room in less then 5 minutes to say that you have a case, then boom you're out of your chair and I can just sit in it."

"Smart but I haven't been called in from any place so there's no case." JJ said as she sat in my chair.

"You'll see."

"Your mom was telling me that you have a surprise to show to Hotchner and Jack, what is it?" JJ ask as she stir her coffee.

"Oh, it this." I get my art bag and take out the canvass of Hailey and Jack. I hand it to JJ.

"Oh my goodness. Gabi, this is amazing." JJ smiled widely as she admired my artwork

"Thank you, I hope Aaron would like it and allow me to gift it to Jack."

"Honey, I think he would. He's going to love it."

"Let us see!" Reid said. JJ turn over the canvass and showed Derek and Spencer.

"Girl, you got talent!" Morgan said. Reid also compliment me. JJ turn it back to herself to look at it again. I saw Aaron and Dave walking out and I quickly snatch the canvass from JJ and quickly put it under my mom's desk

Emily Prentiss daughterWhere stories live. Discover now