Chapter 7

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Gabi's POV
Emily took me into her house. She said she moved into a house a few months ago. It seem like a Manson to me but I always lived in the same house.

"Home sweet home kiddo." Emily put down her luggage down and put her purse on the counter. "Come on, let me give you the tour."

It's was technically a 3 story house but she said with the last story, it was just a big room and she said she didn't know what she wanted to do with it. The house had a big living room, a pool, a big yard, she said it has 7 rooms and each room she has been doing something with it. She has a movie room, I was in awe with everything. She showed me the game room and said it was Morgan's idea which just seem to only have a play station. I laughed as she rolled her eyes, and that last thing she showed me was her workout room.

She showed me everything "And in here it's your room. I had Penelope one of my coworkers come and set it up for you."

She opened the door and I was in complete awe. A twin bed by the wall, a desk, a few gift bags on the floor and the closet was big and had my own bathroom as well. I was more fascinated by the closet. It was a walk in closet and it was big!

"It's not much but we can fix it up today later or tomorrow."

"Emily this is fine, thanks so much." I turn around to hug her

"Aw honey, no worries and trust me, we still need a few things to make it homey. So tomorrow we can go shopping. You can meet Penelope officially and if you like, we can have JJ and bring Henry and Micheal."

"Of course." I said "Now I'll let you unpack and I'll be in my room or downstairs if you need me. Feel free to do whatever you want and holler if you need me." And Emily left.

I was in awe with my room. I never had my own room before. My mom did everything she could and work long hours but I was happy with what I had. I was grateful even if it wasn't much.

It made me miss Rose more since I'll be on my own now.

I notice something different about my bed. I went to see and when I pull out the frame, another bed was there

"Oh shit, this is cool!" Emily came in running,

"What's wrong ? You okay?"

"Emily, this shit is cool. It's another bed underneath my bed!"

"Gabi, watch your language and that's called a trundle bed."

"Still cool to me, and sorry. When I'm excited or really mad, my mom told me I just cuss."

"That's alright sweetheart, I do the same thing too." I laughed and she left.

I put my clothes away and open the gifts. It was a picture frame of I'm guessing Emily's team, and I got a few board games and a new drawing book with a whole bunch of pens, markers, pencils, color pencils, like I said, this is amazing!

I decided to put them on my desk, I notice in a big brown bag was marble cases and pencil holders. And a soccer poster of Messi. Damn who got me all this? I put the poster on my bed and went to go find Emily.

I went downstairs when I couldn't find her in her room


"In my office!" I head and saw someone there.

"Omg mini Emily. She looks so much like you Emily." I was uncomfortable and nervous

"Gabi, this is Penelope, she the one that did your room."

"Ooooh the bed is badass and the stuff, did you get them?"

"Yep! Emily told me you love Messi and a few other things. I only got what I thought you would like. And the bed was Morgan's idea."

"No it's completely cool! I absolutely love it!"

"Honey, Penelope is our  technical analyst of the Behavioral Analysis Unit." Emily said sensing my freak out face. She put her arms out for me and I went to her. She sat me on her lap.

"Damn that's so cool! So you do the hacking and find out people lives?" I knew what it meant because I can hack a few things myself but I didn't want anyone to know that yet. I sometime would hack into the school system just to see what grade I had , luckily I use the school computer.

"Yes, that's me. Emily was inviting me to the mall with you guys tomorrow."

"Cool! Did you let JJ know?" I asked as I turned to Emily.

"Yes. I texted her, she already let Henry know and he excited to meet you."

"So tell me what's your favorite color?"

"Light blue, red, and grey."

"Favorite show?"

"Ummm full house? I don't remember the last time I watched tv."

"Favorite sport?"

"Soccer and basketball."

"I see we got ourself an another athletic family member."

I like Garcia, she was sweet and so chirpy. We both went back to our room and played uno, Emily was working on something. I guess time went by so fast because it was already getting dark out.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Penelope hugged me and I hugged her back.

I took a shower a notice a whole bunch of new things in my bathroom. I changed and checked what I had. It was just stocked up things of what I already had.

I walked out to my room and realized I didn't have my bear.  I walked in to Emily's room and she was reading a book already in bed.

"Hey honey, you okay?" As she put her book down

"Yea, do you know where my bear is?"

"Oh it's in my purse, it's in my office, want me to go get it?" She asked me

"It's okay, I can go get it." I walked downstairs and went to her office. I screamed when I saw a shadow. I try to ran back upstairs but Emily was running downstairs.

"What's wrong?" Emily said all panicking

"I saw a shadow. I don't know." I hid behind Emily. Emily went to her office, she came out smiling

"Honey, it was my cat Sergio."

"Oh. You could've told me you had a cat." She giggled and her cat came out. We both went back upstairs and head to bed. Emily came in, tucked me in and kiss me goodnight.

It was a bit weird being in a new place, new home. I was thinking about everything and soon drifted to sleep.

Unfortunately I had a nightmare and Emily came to wake me up. She carried me to her bed and I stayed with her. There was something about Emily, she made me feel safe, and it was always easy and comfortable with her. When she would sleepover at my house, I would sometimes sneak into her room and sleep with her. My mom would always get mad for bothering Emily but Emily never had a problem. She was another mother figure to me.

All this made me think who my biological mother was, and I knew what I needed to do. Soon I drifted to sleep with Emily playing with my hair.

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