Chapter 8

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Gabi's POV
I wake up and can smell that Emily was cooking breakfast. I got up, did her bed and head to my room. My room is right next to Emily's.

I head to the closet and got a pair of jeans, a shirt and changed. I left my hair down, it's was long and I didn't feel like doing anything because when I do my hair, it either never comes out the way I want or my arms get tired, it's pretty long.

I head downstairs and almost trip on the last stair. I laughed to myself, am still clumsy.

"Morning sweetheart, here you go." Emily put a plate of eggs, pancakes and hash brown on the counter. "Orange juice or milk?"

"Orange juice please." I waited for Emily to make herself a plate and once she did we ate together.

"So I have decided, we pretty much going to get everything to finish your room, and you need more clothes and shoes."

"Emily, I have clothes and a pair of shoes. And the room is good for me." I said as I ate the hash browns

"Gabi, you have a few clothes and your shoes are already worn out, it's okay, beside I need more jeans for work."

"You wear the same kind of jeans, how many do you need?" I giggled

"More." Emily laughed. We continue eating our breakfast and made small talk. I was full and only had one pancake left and a few eggs on my plate.

"Honey, you full?"

"Yea, sorry."

"It's okay." Emily picked up my plate and put it in the sink. After she was done with the plates she went upstairs to change and told me I'm free to do what I wanted until we leave.

I put my shoes on and went to the back yard. I never swim before so I was scared that if I go near the pool, that I would trip and fall. The pool was big. I walked and notice there was a soccer ball near the back fence. I ran to get it and started dribbling.

I did what I would do when I would warm up. I dribble, did the neck stand up, and my favorite the knee bounce. I played around with the soccer ball, I loved that Emily had a big yard so I didn't have limitations.

I was having such a good time, freeing my mind, that I didn't notice Emily standing by the door, watching me. I stop dribbling the ball

"You ready?" Emily asked. I left the ball and ran back inside.

"Yea." We head to the garage and Emily has 2 cars. We got into the Jeep , she let me sit in the front. That was cool.

We went to pick up Penelope and head to the mall. I heard Penelope telling Emily that JJ was there already and they were where the kids area was.

We got to the mall and it was huge. Emily parked and we head inside. The mall wasn't crowded which was unexpected, we found JJ.

"Hiiii JJ." Penelope went to hug her. She and Emily hugged and then she hugged me. She called her boys over and I first met Henry. He seemed so nice and so was little Micheal.

"Hi I'm Henry." He gave me a hug

"Hi Henry, nice to meet you, I'm Gabi." We smiled at each other and Emily head to the store. The ladies were in the front talking, JJ had a stroller with Micheal in it and me and Henry were behind getting to know each other.

We both have a few things in common, we like comics books, we the same age, I'm a bit older than him by 3 days hahaha. We were talking about Marvel until Emily interrupted us.

Emily Prentiss daughterWhere stories live. Discover now