Chapter 11

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Gabi's POV

Emily came in and woke me up. it was 7:30 when I checked the clock. Emily told me to change and to come downstairs to eat breakfast.

I walked into my closet to see what I should wear. I decided on high waisted jeans, with a light blue shirt and I notice that I had more shoes. I decided on black slips on vans. I went and brush my teeth and head downstairs. Emily made eggs with toast and gave me a glass of apple juice. We ate and she said to just put the dishes in the sink and told me to go get my things. She mention that we might be at her office for a little while and told me to bring something so that I won't get bored. I went upstairs and I saw a mini backpack on my bed. I got it and put in my drawing book, a few pencils and pens, uno cards and my phone with the earphones. I head back downstairs and we head to the car. We got into her work car and I played around with my phone.

We got to the BAU and we went to the front. Emily spoke with a lady and soon I was given a badge.

"You're going to need this. If you ever need to go to where I am, like say you're at school and I can't pick you up because I'm here, you will need this to access to the floor where I'm at. So don't lose it." She clip it on my and it just said  Pass with my name in it, somehow my picture was already on here. We finally got to the floor where she and her teammates work. We go inside and she told me to sit at her desk. She head upstairs to the briefing room. She close the door behind her and I took out my drawing book and went on Spotify to listen to music. Soon I felt a tap on my shoulder, I look up and see Penelope

"Hi mini Emily. How are you?" She gave me a hug and I hug her back.

"I'm good, just chilling."

"Come and I'll show you to my office."

"Oh I don't know, Emily told me to wait for her here." I wanted to go but I didn't want to get in trouble by Emily.

"Nonsense, you're in the BAU, just text her that I took you with me. Here give me your phone, I'll send her a small message." I give her my phone and she type to Emily and gave it back to me. I laugh at what she sent

Emily Prentiss
Hello mama bear, Penelope here, I kidnapped Gabi and she's in my lair with me. I will give her back to you when it's time for you to leave.

I followed Penelope and her office was fill with so many computers. I was so shock on how many she has.

She had a mini fridge and a couch in her office. She told me to sit and we chatted for a bit.

"Penelope, can you help me with something?"

"Of course, anything for you."

"I really want to know who are my biological parents. Can you help me with that?"

"Oh honey, I can but are you sure this is something you want to do?"

"Yea, I just want to know who it is. I'm not planning on making contact if we find them, just need to know who it is."

"Okay, well I kind of had started the process. Just no one knows about it except for you now. And I have your data sent to some of my friends. They're helping me with this."

"Thank you, just promise me whatever you find, you will let me know. No matter how big or small."

"I promise."

Hotch came inside and ask Penelope to look something up and I left her office. I walked back to Emily's desk and was stop by Spencer.

"Hey Gabi, how are you? What are you doing here?" He said as he close his folder

"Emily needed to come to work on some paperwork but I'm also guessing she helping out you guys." He held the glass door open and he walked to his desk.

"I just got here and no one told me anything. I'll go check what they're working on." He went to the briefing room.

"Well look who it is. Gabriella in the HOUSE." Morgan said as he sat down at his desk. "How you been kiddo?"

"I been okay." I smiled at him.

I went back to Emily's desk and went back to drawing. I wanted to finish a portrait I was working on. It was my mom and Rose.

After 2 hours, my hand started cramping. I notice I was almost done, just needed to add details. I look up and notice everyone gather in the briefing room before they all run out.

"Honey, I will be back, we found the unsub and I need you to stay here until I get back. If you need anything, text me or let Penelope know." Emily got her badge, gun and left.

I was a little confused, didn't know Emily was currently working on a case, thought she was doing paperwork, so I got up and stretch. My butt felt numb so I lay on the floor.

"Gabs? What are you doing on the floor?" JJ came

"My butt felt numb after sitting there for 2 hours so I lay down. I thought you left with everyone else."

"No, I had to leave an hour ago to take Henry to his dentist appointment. If you ever need to lay down, you're more then welcome to go to my office, I have a couch and tv in there. Henry sometimes leave his comics or video games in there. Have you ate anything?"

"Just breakfast before we came."

"Well come on, there's a small bakery a few blocks from here, the team is on their way to catch the unsub, and I'm hungry. We could bring food for them." I got up, got my bad and left with JJ. We got in her car, we could've walk but with the food and drinks we would bring, we would spill it on the way back. That what Jj said.

We ordered sandwiches and sodas for the team. We head back and I got the sodas while JJ got the bags of food.

"Come on, we will take it to the briefing room." We head inside and instantly can tell JJ regret it because pictures of victims were up on the board.

"Sorry, should've known the pictures would be up." She immediately started taking them down and putting them in a file. I helped her, I guess it didn't scare me as much as it should. I witness my mom and sister getting shot in front of me

"Gabi? How are you?" JJ asked as we sat down after putting the files away.

"I'm fine." JJ looked at me as if she knew I wasn't fine.

"Why me? My dad died when I was younger, car crash by a drunk driver. I witnessed my mom and sister get shot. They were murdered in front of me and when I go to sleep, I see the scene vividly and wake up because it not just nightmares, it actually what happened. On top of that, I'm adopted and I just want to find out who are my biological parents." I was crying and JJ hugged me. I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I saw everyone came back and had a guy arrested. I quickly went to the bathroom hoping no one saw me.

Emily's POV
We got the guy and everyone head back to the briefing room. JJ brought food and we all sat and ate.

"Where is Gabi? Is she with Penelope?" I asked as I took out a sandwich out of the bag.

"No she went to the bathroom, she should be back." Soon Penelope came to the briefing room and seem to have tears.

"Babygirl, what's wrong?" Morgan ask as he got up.

"Um, I had started this process and I thought it would take days but um my friends got back to me. And it's weird because Gabi asked me to help her with this. And when I was in my office one of my moniters went off when I have a case or record sent to me. And well oh my god." She was talking long and non stop

"Okay, what did you find? Garcia get to the point." Morgan told her

"Gabriella Emma is Emily's daughter. You're her mom and she doesn't know it?"

Everyone was shocked and myself too, I had those records sealed.

"Emily, is this true?" Penelope finally looked at me


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