Chapter 17

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Gabi's POV
I don't remember how I got into my room. I check the time and it was 2am.
I remember Emily and I playing Chess for a while and she went to her desk to finish a few paperwork. I stayed in the briefing room and started to add the details of the portrait I was making for Jack. I manage to finish the faces details of Hailey and Jack until my hand started cramping again. I closed my eyes but I guess I knocked out. I got up and turn on the lamp next to my bed.

I got out of bed notice I was changed into my pajamas and saw my phone charging at my desk and my mini backpack on the chair. I checked to see if my drawing book was inside and sure enough it was. I also notice books of Harry Potter and comics of Marvel. I was a bit confused.

"Hi Gabs-Gabs, Emily was telling me how you like to read so I hope these are okay for you. Enjoy them :)
- Penelope & Spencer"

Awww that was sweet of them. I read one book of Harry Potter one time but never finished it,  so I wanted to reread it before I moved on to the next one.

I took off the clear paper and got the first book, I'm guessing it was the original because they were big.

I went back into bed and read.
I guess I been reading for a bit because Emily came inside my room.

"Honey, what are you doing up at this time?" I look up and notice Emily in her pajamas and her hair in a messy bun.

"Sorry, couldn't sleep, did I wake you?"

"No, I went to the bathroom and decided to check up on before I went back to bed. Did you have a nightmare?" She ask as she came in and sat on my bed.

"Surprisingly no, I woke up confused and then I saw the books that Penelope and Spencer gave me. It was very sweet of them." I look at the time and notice it was 3:05am.

"Honey, you need to go back to sleep. You can continue finishing your book later." She took the book from me and put it on the nightstand. I laid back in my bed and she put the covers on me . Kiss me goodnight and I laughed.

"What?" She was confused

"Technically It's morning."

"Just go to sleep babes." She turned off my lamp light and left. Soon I drifted to sleep.

I woke up again and only to hear chatter downstairs. I look at the time and said 9:37am. Damn, normally Emily likes to head to the BAU early. I got up, showered and walk to my closet. I picked out some undergarments, some shorts and a black T-shirt with an alien on it and my black converse.

I head downstairs and notice JJ.

"Morning sweets, do you want some breakfast?" Emily ask as she notice me.

"Can I just have juice, I don't really want to eat right now." Emily was concerned when I said that and came up to me kneeling to me level.

"Honey, you feeling okay?"

"Yea, I'm feeling fine, I'm just not hungry. Promise." Emily wasn't really believing me so she told me to sit and got me juice.

"Gabi, can i talk to you?" JJ ask as she stand across me from the counter

"Sure, is everything okay?" I notice neither Henry or Micheal was here.

"Has Henry by any chance spoken to you?" Emily came and sat next to me.

"Um what exactly do you mean? I'm sorry but you're going to have to be more specific."

"Has he spoken to you anything about his dad." At that point , I started to become uncomfortable.

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