Chapter 15

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Gabi's POV
Everyone was here outside the house. Morgan has his truck with a hauler attach to it but it was covered. Same with Rossi.

Jack was here so Henry and I went to talk with him. We asked if he knew where we were going and he said he had no clue, that his dad told him last night that we were going out and that we would all have fun.

Emily has her Jeep ready and loaded.

Me, Henry, Jack, went with Morgan. Emily, JJ, Penelope and Micheal in Emily's car. Spencer and Aaron with Rossi.

We all left with Morgan leading. We were driving and we were bored.

"I see you youngsters bored so how bout some music?" He put on music and started to sing. The 4 of us were jamming out and singing along. I knew most of the songs because of Rose. Henry and Jack were just listening and dancing. Soon we stop at a red light and Emily pulled up next to us.

"Morgan! Don't be playing music that consists bad words with the kids." JJ said, and we told him to turn up the volume. When they saw me singing well more like rapping out to the song that was playing Emily was shocked and so was JJ. Jack and Henry was laughing and on the other side, Rossi was laughing at us. Soon the light turned green and let me tell you, Derek sped up. It was so fun.

We looked around a notice we were at the mountains. We soon pulled up and saw some people riding their dirt bikes and motorcycles and bikes. Jack, Henry and I were in shock.

We all got out of the car and looked around. Then Derek and David uncovered their haul and there was 2 ATV in derek's trucks and dirt bikes in Rossi. We were all excited and helped Derek unload. Soon Emily called us all and we each had our own helmets. Emily said we can customize it some other day. Mine was light blue, Henry's was blue and Jack's was red.

Emily, JJ and Penelope pulled out tables and chairs from Emily's car and Spencer and Aaron put up a tent shade. We wanted to learned to ride so Derek was giving us lessons. Soon David give us lessons on the dirt bikes. The boys wanted to ride the dirt bikes and I wanted to try out an ATV.

"Gabi, please be careful." Emily said to me as I got on. Derek got on the other one and we each went off. It was so cool. We all followed Derek and rode. We went off. It was such a blast. We rode back to where everyone was waiting. Derek got on a dirt bike and we saw him do a flip. I was impressed and knew I wanted to try it out but I guess Emily also knew. "Don't start getting any ideas kiddo, you're riding around here where I know you won't break a leg."

"But Emily! Please. Looks how cool that was." She said no so I shrugged. Derek wanted to go farther down so Henry got on behind me, Jack and his dad got on the other ATV, and JJ got on the dirtbike. The others wanted to wait so we all left. I ask Henry if he wanted to steer before we left but he said no.

It was Derek in front, then JJ, then me and Henry behind, and behind us was Jack and his dad. JJ did a flip off the hill and it was so fun. We rode for 20 minutes and got off. JJ took a picture of us all and I wanted a few selfies with Henry and Jack. We took a hunch and I got a few off guard of everyone. Derek taught me how to curve when we stop and I knew I had to try it on the way back. And between him and I and of course JJ, I begged them to teach me how to jump off the hill on the dirtbike. I got on with Derek behind me and taught me. Then as I got the hang of it he wanted to me to try on my own. JJ wasn't fond of the idea but Derek said I had it. I went on and rode up the hill, and just before I went down, I jumped off and landed perfectly.

"THAT WAS COOL!" I felt amazed!!! The boys wanted to try it out they were allowed, and soon we head off. JJ and Henry on the dirtbike, Derek let me ride the other dirt bike on the way back, and he got on the ATV, and Jack and Arron on the other. Henry notice we were near back to where we set up and he signed to me, "there's a hill where Derek got on, wanna go?"

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