Chapter 9

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Emily's POV
I wake up and it was 7:30am. Gabi was sleeping soundly. I decided to get up and get ready. I put some jeans with a black tshirt. Morgan and Penelope were coming over at 9 to finish Gabi's room. I went downstairs to my office to see some schools so I can enroll Gabi in August. I decided to put her in the same school with Henry, it was a private school, and JJ was telling me about it last night. Both Henry and Gabi would be in 7th grade. They're both smart for their age and Maya told me that Gabi's skip the 2nd grade and same happened with Henry but he skipped the 3rd grade.

I emailed the school about enrolling Gabi, I sent her transcripts and then I worked on a few cases.

It was 9 already and I let Derek and Penelope inside. I went to my room to check on Gabi and poor thing, she was still sleeping. But I couldn't let her sleep all day, Henry was coming later and she's also going meet Jack.

"Honey?" I went to my bed to wake her up, "Gabs? It's 9 and Henry should be here soon."

"5 more minutes please." She turn the other way.

I went to grab clothes from her room and talked to Derek for a bit. We are having the whole team here today to hang out and the kids would play together. The room is almost ready, he just need to put in the shelves and it's all set.
Penelope was tidying up a few things but she was having much more fun putting clothes and shoes away.

Penelope and I went to buy more shoes and clothes after we knew what size Gabi was. Penelope definitely went a bit overboard and we both brought her a phone but that's a surprise for later. I think a phone for now is all she needs but I am planning on getting her a computer once she starts school.

I went back to my room realizing I let Gabi sleep for more than 5 minutes.

"Gabriella, come on, it's time to get up." She groan and got up. "Morning sunshine, here are your clothes, remember , you still can't go in your room yet and Henry and JJ should be here soon, they said they will be coming at 10, and you will also get to meet my supervisor Aaron Hotchner and his son Jack.

Gabi looks a little overwhelmed and I reassure that I will be here and it's just us. She got up and went to change in my bathroom. As I did that, I quickly did my bed and grabbed Gabi's bear. She had this since she was born but I kept it for a while and gave it to her on her 6th birthday.

"Emily, can you do my hair?" Gabi came out with her shorts and a blue tshirt, she had her converse shoes and had a brush in her hands.

"Of course honey, come here." I comb her hair, it was long and she ask if I can braid them. I did Dutch braids and it was calming. I always loved playing with her hair. After she was done, we got up and head downstairs. I gave her cereal and the doorbell rang.

I went and it was JJ with her boys. And Spencer and David were behind them. I let them in and Henry went to Gabi. He brought some of his comics books. They were going to go to the trampoline and hang there but I had to tell Gabi she needs to finish her cereal first. She wasn't happy but she finish it.

"Gabi slow down." JJ laughed as she made her cup of coffee.

"Done, now can I go?" Gabi turned to me, I let her and she and Henry went outside

"So how's it going with her." JJ ask as she down on the chair.

"For now she's good. I think she still has a hard time but is good at hiding it." I said

"Has she asked about her her biological parents are?"

"No, I think she's scared."

"Do you know who it is?" I was luckily interrupted by Derek saying that he was done. He said he was going to go get some things so that he can grill later. We decided on hotdogs and hamburgers.

Emily Prentiss daughterWhere stories live. Discover now