After the most painfully long 5 minutes of my life my teacher went on with her lesson. It was basic Japanese and I honestly found it pretty easy to keep up. I hadn't been to school but I made sure to study a bit on my own when I was still living with my m- with her. Plus Kuroo's dad helped me catch up quite a bit. After my core classes, Japanese, math, science, and history, we had a bit of a break, since class ended early. I was unexpectedly swarmed by kids and questions.

"Kozume-kun what school did you go to before you came here?"

"Why did you move to this school Kozume-kun?"

"Can you really not speak, like at all?"

"Do you need people to sit with at lunch Kozume-kun?"

"How do you make friends if you can't speak." The numerous questions began to overwhelm me, I fiddled with my bracelet trying my best to calm down a bit.

"Guys, guys." One student interrupted the bombard of questions. "You're gonna freak him out give him some space!" A girl only sightly taller then me with long blonde hair pushed through the crowd towards me. She ushered everyone to take a step back. "Hi I'm Maeda." She said holding out her hand for me to shake. I took it reluctantly and she gave me a small hand shake. "Don't let them get too you they can be rather annoying." She gestured to her classmates behind her who all made a bit of a fuss after being called annoying. She turned back to the other students. "One at a time." With that remark she left me to be swarmed once more, however, this time the crowd was a bit more manageable.

"What school did you go to before you came here, Kozume-kun?" One student asked. I jotted down my answer in my notebook.

I was homeschooled

"How come you can't speak."

I'm mute

"Do you need people to sit with at lunch?"

No I have people to sit with I'm ok

After the initial onslaught of questions was answered the crowd dispersed leaving only two taller boys.

"So Kozume-kun," A taller boy, perhaps Kuroo's height, with black hair began to speak. "Your mute ay?" Yes obviously I think that's been said about 100 times already today. I simply nodded my head, keeping my remarks to myself. "I feel bad for you, no one can hear your voice." Now I don't normally care to judge people I don't know but I've been around enough bad people to know when I've come in contact with bad person. That was the feeling I was getting from these two boys.

"What if something happened?" The other boy who was equally as tall but with red hair asked. He looked kind of familiar. "How would you call for help?"

"Oh what a creepy question Takao." Where have I heard that name before? It sounds familiar but... oh yeah the park. I ran into him and he tried to pick a fight but Oikawa got him to stop. Oikawa isn't here this time though and I doubt he'll show up. The two boys laughed and picked up my notebook flipping through the pages. "Yikes seems like you don't talk much or maybe you don't have anyone to talk too?" The black haired boy, who's name I still didn't know, flipped through my conversations before tossing it back down to me. "Well why don't you answer Takao's question Kozume-kun, how would you call for help?" I was too scared to not answer their question plus maybe if I did they'd leave me alone.

I guess I wouldn't. I turned the notebook towards them and they laughed at my response.

"So if you were getting beat up," Takao began. "What would you do? I mean you are rather small could you fight back?"

I don't know

"You don't know?" The black haired boy asked. "You should probably figure that out." Again they both laughed like they knew something I didn't. Lunch was going to start soon so I tried to pack up my things but my books were snatched away from me by the boys.

Lunch is going to start soon can I have my things? I asked jotting my reply down in my conversation notebook which they luckily didn't take. They didn't make any move to give me my things back. Can you leave me alone. I sounded more mean then I intended too but in the end they gave me my things back and once the bell rang for lunch I was able to leave without a problem. I slide open the classroom door and saw Kuroo waiting on the other side of the hallway.

"Have a nice lunch Kozume-kun!" Takao called to me as I approached Kuroo.

"Who are they?" He asked as we began to walk towards one of the lounge rooms to eat.

'Just kids from my class.' I decided against telling him about them since he'd just worry more. Especially if he knew one of them tried to start a fight with me a few days ago.

When we arrived at the table everyone was already there and eating their food. Of course Oikawa and Iwaizumi as well ad Bokuto and Akaashi sat next to each other leaving a spot for me and Kuroo next to Oikawa.

"KENMA!" Oikawa shouted excitedly just to receive a slap to the back of the head by Iwaizumi. "Iwa-chan!" He cried while he rubbed his head. I sat down next to Oikawa and Kuroo sat next to me.

"So Kenma-san did you enjoy your first day?" Akaashi asked as I pulled the bento box out of my bag. Did I enjoy my first day? No my teacher gave me to much attention, the students crowed me way to much, and I think I made two enemies already.

'It was fine.' Obviously I'm not gonna say all that, I'll settling for the default answer.

"Are your classes hard?" Iwaizumi asked but was quickly cut off by Oikawa.

"Forget that how are the kids in your class? Are they nice or are we going to have to have a chat with anyone?" He said with a huge grin on his face, does Oikawa like starting arguments? Come to think of it Takao seemed rather intimidated by him in the park maybe something happened.

'No everyone was fine.' Nothing good can come from starting a fight.

The rest of lunch went by surprisingly quick, Oikawa was questioning me about every little thing while Iwaizumi continued to scold him for talking to much. After a while he quieted down and I ate while listening to the others talk. I didn't chime in much, I'm more of a listener then anything. After the bell rang Kuroo walked to class before again going off to his own.

The second half of the day was spent with English, psychology, Japanese readings, and art. Nothing eventful really happened although I felt two pairs of eyes on me all day, I did my best to ignore it. I began to pack up my things at the end of the day when my phone dinged.

I had to grab something from a teacher meet me by the front?


I put my phone away and finished packing up my things, only realizing now that everyone else had already left. Well all but two. I tried to ignore them and walk towards the door but a hand grabbed my shoulder restraining me.

"Kozume-kun I wanna ask you something." I can already tell where this is going to lead.


Also I finished writing the book so just a heads up there will be three more chapters :(( I don't want it to end but the last chapter is so cute

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