What just happened?

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I flopped down on my bed, my head going crazy. I don't understand what happened today or how I got myself into this mess. All I know is I just dug my own grave.

~~~~~ That day~~~~~

It had been a week since I had stopped avoiding Henry, but I still keep my distance.

Today was Friday there and there was only one day till Halloween! Jordan, Jerome and Katie had plans with their families so that just left me and Sarah. I lay in bed thinking until I hear Alex yelling at me.

"CLAIRE! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT OF BED!!!!" he screamed. I looked at the clock and realized he was right, jumping out of bed I threw on some jeans and a white t-shirt with a black cardigan I couldn't find any matching socks but I didn't care. I threw my hair into a bun and used the bathroom. I flew down the satires to find Alex by the door holding a bagel, he handed it to me once I had my sneakers on. Thanking him we ran to the car.

We arrived at school just as the warning bell rang. I rushed to my class and took my seat. I looked around the class and to my surprise Jordan wasn't here and Katie still had a flew. I shrugged it off and went back to reading my book.

I spent all day with Jerome and Sarah.

Sarah and I were waiting in the hallway for Jerome who was in the bathroom, Sarah nudged my shoulder and tilted her head in the direction of Henry and his friend Christopher they were coming over here,great.

"Hey Claire, hey Sarah." Henry said as Christopher waved.

"Hi." Sarah and I said back.

"Do you guys have plans for Halloween?" Christopher asked us. Sarah and I looked at each other and then shook our heads. "Ohhhhhh. Okay." He said as he elbowed Henry and he stood up straighter and faced me. He cleared his throat and spoke,

"Well Claire would you and Sarah like to go to a Halloween party tomorrow? With me and Chris that is if you want." I stood there shocked. Did I hear this right? My mind was spinning out of control and it started to wonder. I was snapped out of my thoughts to Sarah kicking my leg.

"Um, I guess." I stuttered. My brain still not fully processing anything that was going on.

"Great. We will pick you guys up at 3:00" Christopher said. "Claire you can text Henry the address." I just nodded.

"Okay see you guys." They said and Sarah waved. Once they walked away Sarah started talking.

"OMG, Claire, Henry just asked you out!!!!! I ship it so hard!" she squealed and then it hit me, like a brick. Henry just asked my out! Wait, why did I say yes.

Jerome finally came out of the bathroom and Sarah started to tell him what had happened. I didn't pay any attention to them. The only thing going through my mind was the different ways Lindsey would try to torture my now. How could i have been so stupid. I'm such and idiot. If she finds out this will ruin my life, literally.

I'll just have to make sure she doesn't.

A/N- Sorry for not updating for a long time I didn't really have any time to write. I hope I will be able to update more from now on. Thanks guys. Remember to vote and comment :)

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