Tournament of Power

26 1 0

So as I finished my opponent which I thought was a lame excuse of an NPC the crowd stood in silence as they thought a level 1 character just beaten a level 8 fighter. Although I was level 30 my stats were recorded at the time I registered for the tournament. Apparently no one has leveled up as fast as I have. (The record being 3 a day, Instead I was at 15 a day. So after everyone regained their composure they continued to sit in silence and I could only hear a few of them starting to whisper wondering who I was. To be honest having just fought that battle it was over in an instant due to the fact that I was overleveled compared to the level 8 fighter. Which resulted in an easy victory. It's honestly the flawed result of gameplay that works in favor of the one who is at the highest level because purely from stats alone you could defeat a weaker enemy. That is just how rpg's are like. Unfair and unbalanced on unequal levels. I decided that because I finished I will watch how the other fighters progress in the tournament. It happened to be a spectacular display of how real fighters combat each other and I learned a lot about what this game had to offer. But my way of playing just honestly gave me the upper hand before I even started.

So as the tournament first round was beginning to come to a close there was a main event. Only then did I realise that the more inexperienced fighters begin at the start and the more proficient ones fight later in the same round. Hence making my fight very boring but also mind-boggling and also very confusing. As the round was coming to a start I saw this weird guy coming in with a pitch fork and worn and torn clothes apparently he is level 10 and is a farmer who wants to become an adventurer like me. He is matched against a full plate-armour warrior and to be honest his chances are looking slim. I decided to stay the fight and watch these two battle it out. Oh boy was I wrong to have judged him this harshly.

For some reason as soon as the warrior lunged his sword at the farmer, the farmer disarmed the warrior and immediately took him down with momentum and a quick grapple this heavy warrior was on the ground squealing like a pig after being taken into a choke hold. He lost as soon as he was unconscious.

I wanted to know more about this person as he could be a player like myself. No way an average farmer could do what he did without some former knowledge of martial arts under his belt.

Regardless of this fact I decided to go to home as I was tired and bored from watching the Tournament. I arrived at my location and saw Beatrice

Beatrice: "So how was the tournament?"
Namey: "It was pretty easy"
Beatrice: "If anybody knew your real level they would have passed you already since you are automatically applied as an adventurer without the tournament at level 25"
Namey: "What are you saying?"
Beatrice: "I'm saying this tournament is only held for bright young individuals and they get special treatment if they get first place usually the tournament is held only once a year"
Namey: "Are you saying I was lucky?"
Beatrice: "Pretty much yeah"
Namey: "Quite the discovery... Anything else you think I should know if I was to maybe one sidedly win my battle?"
Beatrice: "Ooh that would spell trouble as some people really want to get first place"
Namey: (thinks to himself "why does this feel like Ive been set up for this") "Sooo, who do you think would be a threat in this tournament?"
Beatrice: "Probably a noble with high standing"

Honestly this doesn't really help me in the slightest, but I'm thinking the farmer guy is in much deeper waters since he did defeat someone who's armour was nowhere close to cheap. Which definitely screams nobility all the way. Mine however was definitely no noble. I'll probably have to keep an eye out tomorrow since they will likely try to sabotage his fight. And If I remember correctly I will be facing off someone in the quarter finals, who was most definitely not of nobility.

Namey: "So then Beatrice did I pay for tonight's meal? I can't remember"
Beatrice: "Yeah I think so and if you didn't it's on the house anyways since you won your first match in the tournament, and only if you promise me you will continue to stay here afterwards"
Namey: "Well I don't see why not" I smiled
Beatrice: "Alright just give me like 30 minutes and I'll be out with your food"
Namey: "Thanks so much!"

So she left and I decided to think more about this game and how it works. Something that was honestly bothering me was, how did the King die, and if there is some type of death that lasts is it only affected by npc's or is there more to the story than just that? I'll have to dig for some information but I don't have any idea on where to start. Maybe a Bar could work but I'll have to be careful as I could be poking a bear and without the knowledge of real-death I can't afford to risk it.

Beatrice: "Here is your food!"
Namey: "That was quick?!"
Beatrice: "Because I wanted it to be"

I forgot that having a profession within this game means that people have certain skills to boost their daily activities. In any case I need to get some rest and Wake up early tomorrow to catch that strange farmer guy who could possibly get into trouble.

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