Of Bonds, New Meetings and False Tranquility

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"Well, heck with it." Seokjin said instead. The black wolf turned its head to face the prince. "How long can you manage?"

"A few hours..." the prince noticed the alpha sniff the air curiously and when Seokjin did the same he felt his eyes go wide. The prince's omega seemed to love Namjoon's rut scent and unbeknownst to Seokjin his own scent had bloomed, it was now as strong as it had been before he had started taking the suppressant teas. In that instant, Seokjin felt relieved that his heat had passed recently, because if not, the omega was sure that Namjoon's scent would have triggered it right then and there. He clenched his teeth to withhold the whine his inner wolf so desperately wanted to let out.

"Is there a town or village close by?"

"No –" the panic was slowly returning..."but there is a pack settlement near here. It should take us around two, no three hours to reach it. I know some members of the pack so they would be willing to help."

The white wolf grunted in understanding.

Seokjin tried to recollect anything that might be helpful to an alpha in a state of rut, anything that could ebb away the pain and unease of leaving it unsatisfied. The only thing that came to mind was scenting between mates or partners. His throat felt a little constricted when he swallowed. The prince did not exactly like the idea that came to him then but if it can help then he felt he should at least try. With unsure steps, the white wolf padded towards the alpha.

"Don't," Namjoon's words through the mind link were accompanied by a low snarl. Another warning. "You could –"The omega wolf shook his head. "It is fine. I had it just before the ceremony and another one wouldn't get triggered so soon." He tried to reassure the other wolf. Namjoon seemed to come to the same conclusion because the snarling quieted. "What are you doing?" the alpha was on his feet in an instant, jumping back from the white wolf as Seokjin finally managed to get close enough to scent him.

Seokjin huffed. "No need to act so surprised, Namjoon." He said, none too pleased. "Surely you must have also realized by now that our wolves are compatible so even if we are not...you know, even then me scenting you might help a little."

The prince did not know what to think of the alpha's reaction when he saw Namjoon's ears settle close to the wolf's head, as if the black wolf were actually shy. The sight was amusing to Seokjin and maybe just a little bit endearing.

"Only if it is alright with you." Namjoon replied at last, already a bit more breathless than he had been earlier.

Seokjin gulped down a huge breath of fresh air before coming close to the alpha once more. His eyes locked with Namjoon's for a moment, conveying that the alpha could still back out but since the black wolf only stared back Seokjin brought his snout to the alpha's fur, rubbing against it. He moved to place his head over the alpha's and the underside of his muzzle slowly glided from the back of the black wolf's head and a little down its back. He felt the wolf below him let out a stuttered breath and despite holding back until now, a small whine managed to escape the omega. If he were in his human form, Seokjin was sure he would have been as flushed as a beet.

When the white wolf drew back, he could perceive the change in the alpha already – Namjoon was more relaxed and calmer, the wolf trembling a little less than before. Seokjin huffed out a sigh in relief.

"Alright, now since that is over with...which way are we headed?"

Namjoon's jerked his head to the north-east and they started running with as much speed as Namjoon could muster in his state.

It took them around five hours to get to the pack camp.

Namjoon had overestimated his own strength and endurance and by the end of the two hour mark the black wolf was no longer running along Seokjin but just barely managing to drag himself forward. Seokjin wanted to help the alpha and push him along but by then he was a little bit scared to get too close – he'd heard that even normal alphas get violent and aggressive during their ruts and Namjoon was an alpha alpha. He had seen an angry Namjoon before so Seokjin could only imagine the extent of dominance the other's rut would bring forth. It would be a lot more than he could handle, of that the prince was certain.

Arrows, Swords and a Little Bit of Magic  ( Rated M )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon