We know nothing (Book 1, S1)

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It's a dull Monday. November 1st, to be exact, in the capital of Jurasia's town square. There's a man, a priest, standing on a box and preaching about monotheism started in the country of Constantine.  The theory that states the gods aren't true. They are simply glorified humans. The ultimate creator made them and they are only meant to be our shepherds to him. The sun is still in the air, but pretty soon it will go down.

People are listening and some are heckling. The priest mentions how the Great Creator, also known as the Supreme Being,  now sits back to watches it all unfold. The Supreme being will come if we are deemed worthy.

More people start crowding around and listening to the priest. They begin to ask questions about how does he know. The priest responds by saying the scholars found texts saying so and that you can feel the Supreme Being watching over all.

The priest ends his talk and returns the box to an owner of a business. The priest is now alone and walking down an empty street, shadow following closely behind.

A man comes from behind the priest and slits his throat saying, "You know nothing and should go back to saying nothing." The man disappears into the shadows and the body of a priest lays on the concrete. No human could do that. Surely the work of a god, an angry one.

A woman walks down the same alley and shrieks in fear. People rush towards her and now a crowd appears over the fallen priest. Some people say the priest should've prayed to the goddess Eureka. Others says he should've prayed to the goddess Isis, since she is the deity of the land. Someone else says that if he was killed in the shadows, then it must be the work and will of the god of deceit, Seraph.

It is much later in the day at the same town square. The body is gone, the weather is cold, and the sun is almost set. It's still shining but it's hiding behind the clouds. Light snow is sprinkled on the ground. People are seen walking in huddles masses to bars to celebrate the end of the day. An adolescent girl greets an older lady at the entrance of a storefront. The older woman hands the girl a leather bag and says, "Make sure you go straight home and give the meat directly to your mother. Tell her I felt bad about last week, so I threw in a little something extra." The adolescent girl peeks in the bad to see what else her mother is getting. The older woman slaps the girl's hand and says, "You best run now love. The sun is about to set. You don't want to be out. I fear goddess Andromeda, wants a cold and bitter night." The woman closes the door and the adolescent girl is left alone. She turns around and begins her walk home.

The girl walks under the shade of the clouds. The sun rises from it's spot and shines bright. Brighter than anything someone could compare to. It blinds everyone including the girl who is walking home. The clouds block out the sun and the girl is once again left with the shade.

The girl finally makes it home. Odd to note that she hasn't seen anyone on this road. Not even a vagabond. No one, not even horses. She walks in and calls out for her mother, but no response. She yells again, but nothing. She contemplates where her mother could be. She throws the bag of meat and decides that she will prepare dinner since her mother must be out. Her mother must have forgotten to tell her she would be out late, that is what the adolescent girl tells herself. 

Time has passed and the plate of food left out for her mother is cold. The girl starts to worry and panic. She frantically searches the house and finds nothing. She goes outside and does not see her mother. The thoughts in her head tell her it's a bad dream, and the only way to fix a bad dream is with a good one. The girl decides to rest and by the time she awakes, her mother will surely be back.

It's later, the sun has set. The girl has just woken up from her nap. She realizes her mother isn't back and decided to check the last place she could think of. The adolescent girl runs with all her force and might to the small farm house just a distance away. As she approaches, she sees shadowy figures from the outside and her heart pounds in excitement.

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