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It was Saturday, a meer five days after your confrontation with Dio

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

It was Saturday, a meer five days after your confrontation with Dio. With the book he gave you, you were able to finish the report, though it was shorter than you and your professor would have liked. 

You found yourself watching another rugby game as you usually did, even though Dio had threatened you. It was nothing short of hypnotic seeing Jonathan push his way through the rival team as if they were just meesley clouds. But what was even better was that he was a good sport. To him, the game was nothing but a fun competition; it didn't matter who won or lost. It came to no surprise to anyone when Jonathan was what made Hugh Hudson Academy win the game. You cheered alongside your teammates as the final points were scored and the academy's team had won. You proceeded to make your way over to the team as they shook hands with the rivals.

"Jonathan," you said. The teams looked at you, including Jonathan, "may I speak with you?"

He smiled, the one that put butterflies in your stomach. "Of course, (Y/N). Please allow me to finish up my conversation here and we can discuss what you need in just a moment."

You nodded, your cheeks heating up as blush began to spread across them. "Of course."

With a death glare from Dio, you made your way towards the building, standing at the corner of the wall. You waited, the skirt of your elegant black dress swaying side to side because of wind. Lucky for you, you wore a white shawl on your arms as it had been windy for a few days now. 

When you felt a tap on your shoulder, you expected it to be Jonathan, but it wasn't. Instead, it was Dio. 

"I thought I told you to stay away from him," he hissed, grabbing a hold of your arm. "You'll ruin everything if you don't!"

"Get away from me!" you snapped, trying to escape his grasp, but all your struggling just made him tighten his grip.

 He opened his mouth to say something, but something stopped him. You looked up and to your delight, it was Jonathan.

"Dio," he said, in his calming voice, "what are you doing to Miss (Y/N) here?"

Dio let you go almost instantly. "Oh, hello, Jojo. It is nothing, (Y/N) just got a scrape on her arm is all. She tripped getting herself over here and her arm brushed against the bricks."

Jonathan looked at you. "Is this true, (Y/N)?"

You wanted to say no, but you looked at Dio's threatening glace and Jonathan's worried look and sighed. It was his brother who did this to you and you didn't want to insult his family. "Y-Yes, Jonathan, it's true. Sorry to worry you. Dio kindly offered to help clean up the blood." You made sure the shawl covered the hand mark. It would go away soon anyways. 

"Dio, I'm sorry to ask, but would you mind going somewhere else? (Y/N) wants to tell me something," Jonathan requested.

"Of course, Jojo," he said with a fake smile. He left the two of you alone and you suddenly couldn't think of the right words to say.

"Well, (Y/N), what do you need me to know?" Jonathan asked. 

Your heart was racing. "I... I..." You wanted to confess, you really did, but Dio's words flooded your mind. You took a deep breath, ignoring them all. "... I wanted to tell you that over these few months, you've been one of the kindest people to me. You showed me around when no one else would, have helped me in the classes I've struggled in, and allowed me to take the seat beside you in the classroom when all the others made me feel as though because I am a woman, I shouldn't be there. Because of all this, I've... developed feelings for you."

You put your head down in shame and embarrassment. You went to walk away, but Jonathan grabbed your hand. Like Dio, his touch was strong, but what set them apart was Jonathan's gentleness. 

"Please, (Y/N), do not walk off as though I reject your love," he said, "I simply must get my head straight. I've never thought of you this way and I want to see if I can reciprocate these emotions and not lead you on."

"Of course, Jonathan, I understand," you responded, your heart racing so fast, you feared it might pulsate out of your chest. "Take all the time you need. Do not feel as though you have to love me."

He let you go and when you were in an area you knew you couldn't be seen by him, you cried. 

"I was a fool to think Jonathan Joestar would ever love me. He's a Joestar and I'm nothing but a simple (L/N)..." You took out your handkerchief and dried your eyes as you made yourself to the only place you ever felt comfortable--the library. 

You picked the thickest book you could find at a quick look at the nearest bookshelf and seated yourself. You didn't know what the story was called or what it was about, but it was long and it would get your mind off of your interaction with Jonathan. 

"I know that look," an old voice cracked. "I know it real well. What happened?" 

You looked at the smiling librarian, one of the few women to work in the building. "Miss, I don't think it's wise or polite to discuss my emotions when there are those with open ears around, especially when it's troubling."

"Then we can talk in my office," she said, standing up. "And don't you worry about the other students breaking the rules, they do that anyways, with or without my supervision, warnings, or punishments. Now then, a lady must express her feelings or she'll end up with wrinkles--how else do you think I got to look this way? Old age?"

She laughed and led you into the back. You followed, unaware who might be trailing behind you. 

-end of chapter two

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