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The chain wrapped around Jonathan's neck shot him up to the ceiling

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The chain wrapped around Jonathan's neck shot him up to the ceiling. It was, in fact, the brute, Tarkus, who hoisted him up like a flag. 

"That scoundrel," you spoke with gritted teeth. You crushed the bars in your bare hands like they were nothing but twigs. 

Speedwagon put his hand on your shoulder. "(Y/N), I get you're frustrated--we all are--but, you need to calm down. As you said, we have to wait until we can safely attack."

You huffed, "I did say that, didn't I?" He nodded. In retaliation to your very own words, you punched the door, creating a dent in the door. "There, now it's loose." You sighed, pressing your back against the bent up door. You slid down, sitting on the ground. 

Suddenly, you heard Tarkus's voice bellow through the empty castle:

"... is by taking the other's head!"

You gasped and stood up, looking through the small window once more. "Tarkus... he's chained up, too!"

The two men--and boy--you traveled with perked up. 

"But why?" Poco asked.

"From the little I could hear, I think when one dies, the other gets released," you explained. 

"This is ever so frightening!" Poco cried. 

"Do you see anything useful?" Speedwagon asked.

You peeked back in, "I see a lever, but I think it just opens the door. Well, I suppose it's high time we help out Jojo since we know now that Tarkus is just as limited as he." Cupping your hands together, you used your elbow to destroy the door fully. "Good thing you have me on the team, right?" You winked at the three before walking inside. 

The metal door skated against the ground, hitting the wall in the process. Jonathan looked at the for of you with worry painted on his face, "Stay back! He'll kill you!"

"I'm going to be brave," you heard Poco whisper to himself. "For my sister."

"Don't you interfere, you tramp!" Tarkus roared at you. 

He went to punch you in the face, but you stopped it with your hand, gripping onto his fist. You pushed him off you, but because of his mass, it wasn't far, thus he came at you again. You were fully prepared to fight back, even getting in a battle stance, but Poco ran out in front of you.

"I'll protect you, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed. 


"I'll make Sis proud!" 

You went to push him out of the way but it was too late, Tarkus punched him and he went flying across the room.

You gasped and rushed over to him, getting on your knees and holding his head in your hands. "Are you alright?"

"It hurt a lot, but I'm in one piece," he groaned, a smile appearing on his lips, "so I'm fine."

You chuckled. "You were quite brave, but you didn't need to do that. I'm a vampire, remember?"

"Your very kind, (Y/N)," he spoke. "When you were about to be attacked, I saw my sister in the place of you and I did what I felt like I needed to."

"As brave as a bear you were, my lad," Speedwagon spoke gently, picking the boy up. "Your injuries are nothing that can't heal."

You stood up and looked at Zeppeli, "Baron, you ready?"

"Are you sure you're alright fighting beside me, (Y/N)?" he question, Hamon already running through his arm. "We wouldn't want you to be caught in the crossfire, now, would you?"

"I'll be fine," you responded. "I've avoided it for this long, haven't I?"

Silence filled the room, Zeppeli said nothing. It looked like he had just realized something. 


"Is tonight the night that I go to my grave?" he said. You were stunned. "Fate is a fickle mistress, but I cannot deny her."

"Zeppeli..." Speedwagon uttered, "why do you sound so dire?"

Footsteps echoed throughout the castle's chambers. Speedwagon worked worriedly, "(Y/N), Baron, be careful, my friends."

"Here we come, Jojo." Zeppeli sniffled to prepared his body for Hamon. You two ran towards the two chained up men.

"Come to me, fools. You think your Hamon will do any good?" growled Tarkus. "You're nothing but little bugs! You can't lay a finger on me, no matter how hard you may try!"

He went to punch you, but you once again stopped his fist, giving Zeppeli the chance to jump away from the attack. 

"Are you afraid?" he asked you with gritted teeth. With a grunt, he used his other hand to throw a punch, which you stopped as well. "Lord Dio wasted those powers on you! You're nothin' but a coward!"

You stared him down and noticed there was an unprotected opening in his stance. You grinned, kicking his torso and using that force to jump away from him. 

"Masterfully done, (Y/N)!" exclaimed Speedwagon. 

"Zeppeli, you know what you gotta do," you spoke. 

He nodded, running past Tarkus as he lunged forward and jumped off the wall. "Here we go! How about this? Tornado overdrive!"

His whole body spun, Hamon running through, but Tarkus managed to avoid the attack. Jonathan shouted out, "Watch your back!"

"He's attacking from above."

"No, Zeppeli, he's coming from below!"

"Well, what do you know, you're both right!" Tarkus bellowed. Chains wrapped around Zeppeli, leaving him unable to do Hamon. "I call it 'Hell Heaven Snake Kill.'" He pulled down on his chain, causing Jonathan to groan with pain as he shot up into the ceiling. Tarkus laughed, "It's lovely to watch you suffocate."

He yanked the chain again, choking the two even more. You didn't know what you should do. If you were to cut the chain, you didn't know how Tarkus would retaliate. You just had to think--you didn't want to, but you needed to weigh your options. 

"Fuck it!" you hissed. "I'm going to break those chains, regardless of how the brute reacts!"

You stepped forward as Speedwagon reached out for you, "(Y/N), wait--"

But it wasn't him who stopped you dead in your tracks. It was the fact that the chains became too much on Zeppeli's body, causing him to slice in half. You didn't know how to respond. You cupped your mouth with your hands, shaking and your eyes watering.

"No..." In stunned silence, Speedwagon ran over to you with Poco still in his arms. He was crying a lot more than you. "I messed up again, Robert..."

"This isn't your fault," he sniffled, glaring at Tarkus. "It was that zombified menace who did this!"

"I could have done something," you cried, putting your hands on your eyes. "I shouldn't have wasted that time... thinking. I... I need to be more ruthless. I'm a vampire, after all. It should be in my nature to attack without thought, but I just can't!"

You collapsed on your knees and cried, Speedwagon bending beside you with a warm smile on his face and tears continuing to run down, "You may think your compassion is your weakness, but besides Bruford, you're the only undead creature I've seen with it still ingrained in your heart. It's your secret weapon--it makes you strong." You removed your hands from your eyes, but you couldn't get a smile to form in response to Speedwagon's.

-end of chapter eighteen 

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