Chapter 4

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"Dinah, I have to run." I said clearing off my desk.

"You're ditching me for Lauren." She said pretending to be hurt.

"Oh hush."

When I got to the parking lot, Lauren was waiting for me outside.

"Hello beautiful." She said as I got into her car.

"Hi," I blushed.

"Where to?" She asked.

"Anywhere you'd like."

She put on some music. "Lana." I said.

"You like her?" She asked.

"Yeah she's great."

"Tyler loves her. He sings in the backseat all the time. He wants to meet her just as much as I do."

"Lauren that wasn't why I was saying Lana." I kept my eyes on the figure across the street.

"You need to pull over." I said and Lauren listened.

I got out of the car and ran across the street. Completely forgetting about Lauren.

"Lana," I said and she turned around. I heard Lauren heavily breathing behind me.

"Jesus take the wheel," she whispered.

"Hi girls!" She squeaked. "Are you okay?" She said to Lauren.

"Lana" She said.

"Yes that's me."

"Holy shit." Lauren said.

"Come on sweetie," Lana said pulling Lauren into a hug. "Whats your name?" She asked.


"That's a beautiful name. How about you guys join me for some lunch."

I nodded and we walked inside the little diner.

"Are you dating?" She asked me.

"Oh um," I started to answer but Lauren cut me off.

"I want her to be my girlfriend and we were going to lunch because I wanted her to get to know me more since I already know so much about her and then we were in the car and she said Lana and I started talking about you so now she knows what music I listen to but-"

"Lauren you're rambling," Lana said.

"I am so nervous." She admitted.

"You guys would make a lovely couple."

I looked at Lauren and smiled. We've only known each other for a few days but she has been so good to me. I do like her.

"Camila, what do you do?"

"Oh. I work at a publishing company."

"Really? I was thinking of publishing something. So fans could get to know me better. My life, ya know?" She said taking a bite of her food. "I've written some stuff here and there, but it's not book worthy."

"Maybe we could set up a meeting for sometime this week. See what you really have in mind. We could help you pick what kind of book. We could even publish a journal or a book of your thoughts. Anything. Ally would love this." I said.

"Ally is your boss?" I nodded. "Great. What's your number?"

She handed me her phone and I entered my number. My inner fan girl was freaking out, but where was Lauren?

I turned to see Lauren daydreaming. "Lo." I said.

"I can't believe I'm having lunch with Lana. Tyler won't believe this."

"Who's Tyler?"

"My son. He loves you."

"Let's take pictures then." Lana suggested.

After lunch we took pictures with Lana and she said she'd call me.

"Lauren, you are so adorable." I said taking her hand into mine.

"I'm so embarrassing."

"You are not."

"You're holding my hand," She said noticing.

"Yeah," I smiled. I really like Lauren.

"I'll drop you off at home. I need to get home before the kids bus comes." Lauren said.

"Hey Lauren," I said before getting out of the car. "Let's try dinner?"

"I'll call you." She said.

I waited on the porch for the bus to drop Travis off.

"Mom!" Travis said running to me. "Thanks for letting me ride the bus."

"How was your day Trav?"

We walked inside and he set his stuff on the table.

"I think some girl likes me." Oh no. He's too young. "But I told her I'm not interested right now."

"I don't think I'll let you be interested in anyone until your 45."

"16." he said.


"Mom." he laughed. "I'm gonna do my homework go call Lauren or something."

"What?" I asked confused.

"Me and Ty know you like each other. We saw you kiss."

"Is that all you saw?"

"Yea you were standing in front of her and she kissed you, then we ran away." he said.


I sent a text to Lauren.

The boys saw us kiss. We're lucky all they saw was kissing.

She replied a few minutes later.

Sorry.. I'll try to control myself next time :p

I giggled.

Drop Ty off at 7. Dinah will watch the boys. I wanna see you for dinner.

After I sent that text I made sure Travis was doing his homework and I went to get ready.

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