Chapter 3

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I woke up to loud bangs and moving shadows. I rubbed my eyes and opened them widely to see Lauren, Dinah, Travis and Tyler banging pots and dancing to the beats they were making.

"They are so loud," I said to myself.

I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen and saw food on the counter.

"Mila want some food?" Dinah asked handing me the plate.

"We already ate," Travis said.

"Thanks. Stop banging my pots." I walked to the table and sat down to eat my food.

"We didn't mean to wake you." Lauren said from behind me. "We were just having fun with the kids."

"It's fine."

"Mom can I start riding the bus again. Tyler wants me to so he won't be alone." Travis asked.

"We'll see. Go play."

I got up to put my plate in the sink and turned to Dinah. "You know I can't let him do that." I said.

"Camila, Austin isn't going to hurt him."

"I can't trust him Dinah. He's going to come and ruin Travis' life."

"Who's Austin?" Lauren asked. I completely forgot she was even in the room with us.

"Travis' dad." Dinah answered.

"Not his dad Dinah." I corrected.

"Okay. Sperm donor." I nodded in agreement.

"He wants to see Trav. Now that I know he's around I won't let Travis go anywhere without me, besides school."

"He'll do anything to see Travis." Dinah continued. "We had lunch with him. Tried to flirt with Camila."

"He complimented me DJ."

Lauren looked around, "You think he'll say something to him?"

"I'm afraid he'll tell Travis something to make him want to be with him and not me."

"You're a good mother Mila, Travis would never want to leave you." Dinah put her arm around me.

"Maybe you should explain Austin to Travis, in case anything does happen." Lauren suggested.

I shrugged. I don't know if this would turn out good.

"Travis!" I called for him.

"Yeah mom?"

"You can ride the bus with Tyler. But only with Tyler. If he doesn't go to school, I drive you. Okay?"

"Deal mom." He high fives me and walks out of the room.

"I'll tell him later."


"Travis can we talk?" I said to him after dinner.


He sat next to me on the couch, "Your dad, Austin, wants to see you."

"I have a dad?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I dont think it'll be good if you see him Trav. He's not a great person." I said being honest.

"What did he do?"

I didn't want to confuse or hurt Travis. "He just did a lot of bad things to mommy. He wants to see you and I'm scared he'll say something to you and make you want to live with him."

"No way mom. If he hurt you then I don't wanna see him. I don't want a dad." He said.

"You know I'm not making a decision for you Travis. If you want to meet him you can. I just want you to be careful."

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