Chapter 5

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Leaving Dinah with the kids wasn't such a good idea. Ten minutes after Lauren and I left, we had to go back home.

"Mom. Dinah won't let me play Just Dance with her." Travis said pouting.

"Is this really why you called me home?" I said taking my heels off.

"Yes. Tell her to let me play."

"Dinah," I said crossing my arms.

"He was trying to pull the wii remote out of my hand. He was being rude."

"Tyler is Dinah telling the truth?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said then quickly looked away to see if Travis was mad at him.

"Travis and Dinah, please go sit on the couch. I'll be right there in a sec."

I turned to Lauren, "I'm sorry. Can we just do dinner here?"

Lauren nodded. "Tyler why don't you sit here with me and help me cook while Camila talks to Travis and Dinah."

"Okay mom," Tyler said and i mouthed 'thank you' to Lauren before walking towards Travus and Dinah.

They were both eyeing each other and I let out a giggle because of how stupid this was. "Seriously Dinah, you couldn't share with him?"

"At first I was going to, but then he got aggressive." She said.

"Aggressive?" I asked confused because he is never like that.

"I told him to let me finish my song and then him and Tyler could go. I guess he wasn't having it because he got mad and started pulling at the remote control and hitting me on the side." She explained.

At first I thought this was going to be some childish fight, but this was serious. Travis never acted out like that, especially towards Dinah. He respects her way too much to ever do that.

"Explain Travis." I said sitting down next to him.

"I just wanted to play."

"That's not how you act. You wait your turn. And never put your hands on a woman. I thought we've been through this before."

"Freaking dad can do it. Why can't I?" He shouted and stormed off into his room.

"What the fuck." I said to Dinah before chasing after him.

"Travis. What are you talking about?" I asked.

He was crying on his bed and laid next to him and started rubbing his back.

"I found a paper in your room. It said something about abuse and staying away from dad. Why did he hit you?"

I sighed. The restraining order I took out years ago. "Listen to me Travis. What your father did is not acceptable. Just because he did something does not mean you can too. You are nothing like him. You are better than that. A long time ago you father use to do bad things to me and I had to make sure he would stay away so he wouldn't hurt you. The paper you found was a court order to stay away from us. It's expired now that's why there wasn't a problem when you saw him the other day because I've been thinking about letting you see him. But if you're going to act like this I think we should wait on it."

"Mom." Travis said turning to face me. "I didn't mean to hit Dinah. It was all in my head. I love her. I shouldn't hit woman. You tell me all the time to respect. Im sorry."

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Dinah."

Travis got up from bed and ran out of his room. I'm assuming to apologize to Dinah, so I laid in his bed for a little longer.

When I got up I went to the kitchen to check on Lauren. She was now with Dinah instead of Tyler.

"I do not know what to do anymore." I said honestly.

"What do you mean?" Dinah asked.

"He keeps finding things out about Austin. I don't even want to know why he was in my room looking through my things. He found the restraining order from years ago."

Lauren looked a little uncomfortable and fixed herself before deciding to get up and check on the food.

"I think maybe you should talk to him a little more. About how he feels." Dinah suggested.

"Camz." Lauren said.


"Do you think that maybe this has to do with us ? I mean Tyler was acting out too earlier before we came here. You told me they knew about us kissing and maybe they feel like they should have dads."

Lauren was spot on. I knew this is what's been going through Travis' head. There's no other reason why he'd act like this.

"Maybe we should talk with them." I said.

"Did I hear that right?" Dinah said from the other side of the kitchen. "You kissed."

Lauren nodded.

"Why didn't anyone say anything? This is poppin. Camila finally finding love."

"Okay Dinah chill." I said laughing.

"I can't chill when I just found out that my best friend is getting jiggy with Miss Hottie Pants."

"Miss Hottie Pants?" Lauren asked confused.

"Camila thinks you're hot." Dinah said and got up to run to the bathroom.

"Hot huh?" Lauren said grabbing my waist.


She kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand and brought me to the living room.

"Boys we need to talk."

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