Chapter 1

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"Travis can you please buckle up?" I asked turning on my car.

"Mom I'm doing it geez."

"Watch yourself bud."

I pulled out of the driveway and drove towards Travis' school.

"Mom, Tyler is bringing the class cookies today."

"What kind? You know you're allergic to peanuts. Does he know that?"

"I think he said chocolate chip. I'll make sure to ask mommy don't worry."

The drive to the school was only about 5 minutes. Travis got out of the car and blew me a kiss before I drove off.

As I was pulling into my jobs parking lot my phone buzzed.

we need to meet up soon.

Austin was always coming in and out of Travis' life. He was never stable or responsible enough to keep a relationship with his son. He was either in jail or out and always partying or doing drugs. Travis never came first to Austin and that's why I kicked him out when Travis turned 2.

I quickly replied with, Lunch 12pm @ Panera Bread.

I walked into the office and set my stuff down on my desk and went to see my boss.

"Hey Ally, I'm here."

Ally was my best friend. She opened up this publishing company and hired all her closest friends including myself and Dinah.

"Hey Camila. I got this children's book for you to edit today and you're off." She handed me a folder with papers inside. "We aren't so busy today. Dinah's doing a children's book too."

"Well off to work I go then." I chuckled and walked to my desk.

I read through the several pages that were meant to be a children's book. At this point I can either approve and edit or deny this author.

"Camila hurry up I'm starving." Dinah said from her desk. I checked the time and it was already 11:20.

"Okay give me a few minutes."

I walked to Ally's office with the folder in my hands. "This is just not what we should be looking for Ally." I said handing her back the folder.

"I trust your opinion Camila. I'll see you tonight. Good day."

"You too Al."

I grabbed my stuff and walked to my car with Dinah. "Austin wants to meet up so I'm going to Panera, wanna come?"

"Hell yeah. I wanna see what this boy has to say now."

Dinah knows everything about Austin. She was there through all the arguments, the pregnancy, and the break up.

We pulled up at Panera and saw Austin sitting on the curb. He was wearing a red shirt that was a little torn and some dark jeans.

"Hey Camila. Dinah." He said hugging us both.

We walked into Panera and I ended up paying for Austin's food.

"So?" Dinah said to Austin.

"Wow Dinah I didn't know you were Camila. I came to talk to her not you."

"Okay guys chill. What do you wanna talk about?" I asked Austin.

He took a sip of his lemonade, "I want to see Travis. My friends and I are renting an apartment down the street from your parents house and I want to see him next time you're there."

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