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"You're going to be late for your date!" I heard my mother call from the kitchen.

"For the seventh time, Mom!" I called back, grabbing my shoes, and sliding on my bag. Pearl yawned and watched me leave, her white tail flicking side to side in distaste as I accidentally knocked over the stack of CD's from the desk with the backpack. "It's not a date!"

I emerged into the small kitchen, and my mom looked up from her laptop screen. She pulled her reading glasses off and stood from the table, opening her arms for a hug.

"Say hi to Annabeth for me. And try not to stay out too late."

"Of course, Mom. Love you." I hugged her and pecked her cheek. I grabbed my keys from the hanger by the door and pulled on my navy-blue Vans. My phone buzzed as I locked up, headed down the hallway to the stairs.

Hey, it's been a while.

I looked at the contact and my body froze.

It was Rachel.

I didn't respond back and shoved the phone back into my jean pocket. I raced down the stairs, my mind spinning, trying to understand why she was reaching out after all these years.

It had been over two years since I had seen her. She never texted, never called. I thought maybe she forgot my phone number, or just forgot about me. I never tried reaching out because I was afraid that she'd think I finally made my decision.

My cheek stung at the memory of that day, the last day of camp. The night before, she kissed me during the campfire, and I pushed her away. She got mad and yelled at me, saying that I had to choose between her and Annabeth. She refused to listen to reasoning and stormed off. The next day I tried to talk to her again, trying to convince her to still be my friend. She slapped me.

I never saw or heard from her since. And now she was reaching out...

"What took you so long?" Annabeth's front door opened, and Magnus appeared behind it. "The pizza is getting cold!"

I smiled and he let me in. Annabeth was trying to turn down the volume of the TV, standing up on the couch so the old DVD player could read the signal. She was wearing the grey hoodie I had left the last time I was over, and some black leggings and blue socks. I laughed as she fell over and flopped onto the couch with a thump.

"I hate this old DVD player. It's so slow!" Annabeth huffed, crossing her legs, and attempting to blow a strand of blonde hair out of her face. She was a mess, her hair tangled and haphazardly pulled back in a messy bun, dark circles under her tired grey eyes.

"You never should have volunteered to plan the homecoming. You aren't getting any sleep," I put my bag down by the couch and sat next to her. She leaned against my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her. Magnus sat down on my other side and opened the pizza box, ready to eat already.

"I never get sleep anyways. Now I have another reason to stay up until two in the morning," Annabeth closed her eyes and sighed as the TV blasted the loud, horrifying noise into the room.


"Yeah, theaters twenty years ago," I scoffed, looking for the TV remote to turn it down. Annabeth already had it in her hands. "So, what are we watching? You refused to tell me yesterday."

"It'll be a surprise," Annabeth stuck her tongue out at me, and I kissed her cheek. Magnus gagged next to us and Annabeth shot him a glare. "I thought you invited Alex."

"Alex? Like, 'Alex Fierro' Alex?" I asked.

I had never known Alex before high school, and we only shared a few classes. Alex was usually in the back with me, but too focused on other people or schoolwork to acknowledge me.

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