* Meanwhile in Tokyo *

Kuroo was knocking on Kenma's door along with Nobuyuki, Yaku, and Lev.  "Oi Kenma san, are you coming with us or not." Yaku said as he knocked on Kenma's door, "We're going for a day out with our friends."

Kenma finally opened the door and said, "Alright calm down, I just needed to change first."

"Wow Kenma san actually walked outside." Lev said in surprise.

"Well duh, he's normal too Lev san." Kuroo commented.

"Hey guys, let's get going we should get to the trains," Nobuyuki suggested.

"So where are we going today." Lev asked as everyone started to walk to the train station.

"Kuroo san wanted to buy something for Y/N chan," Yaku replied, "so we're going out today to help him choose one, have lunch, and have fun."

* Time Skip to Nerima Ward, Tokyo Mall *

"Okay well let's split up, I'll go with Yaku san and Lev san to decide what's for lunch, and Kuroo san and Kenma san can check out somethings." Nobuyuki suggested, "We'll send you the address for the place later when we decide."

"I'm okay with that idea." Yaku said.

"Me too!" Lev agreed.

"Let's get going then," Kenma said as he looked at his phone.

"Alright see you guys later." Kuroo said.

"So where are we going?" Kenma asked as the two left the group.

"I wanted to check out the Ambush Workshop." Kuroo replied, "My grandpa says it's great for buying jewelry; that's were he bought my grandma her favorite earrings."

"Okay then, how far is it from here?" Kenma questioned.

"It's not that far, just a short walk and we're there." Kuroo said.  The two walked over to the boutique while talking about Y/N.  Kuroo was pretty interested in the fact that Kenma would sometimes meet up with Y/N and the fact that they talk over text a lot.  This made him very happy knowing that his favorite person in the world gets along with his best friend.

"Kay well we've arrived," Kuroo said.

"Hmm this place has a very minimalist, I like the grey color." Kenma said looking up from his phone.

"Do you want to take a look at the rings with me?" Kuroo asked as the two headed in the store.  Kenma replied with a short sure, as the best friends walked over to the ring area.

"Do you guys need any help?" the sales man asked.

"Yeah we do," Kuroo replied, "do you guys sell couple rings?"

"Yeah of course we do, come take a look here." the sales man replied as he pulled out the rings, "You guys could call me Zen san, so it makes it easier to communicate."

"So Kenma san help me decide on something." Kuroo said to Kenma.

"Isn't she your girlfriend," Kenma replied, "shouldn't you know what she likes."

"Yeah but you know indecisive I am."

"Fine, just narrow it down to two or three pairs and then we can decide together." Kenma sighed.

"Thanks, I was thinking this one, that one, and the one on the left." Kuroo said as he pointed at three pairs of rings.

"All great choices, so what would you like exactly." Zen commented as he pulled out the rings Kuroo chose.

"I like the one on the right, but Y/N would like something more in the middle," Kenma said taking a look at his choices, "I think she'd like the one in the middle, it's simple but nice looking."

"Alright then we'll choose that one." Kuroo agreed.

"I'll go wait outside now." Kenma said as he looked down at his phone again.

"Okay don't die on me now." Kuroo joked.

"Now that it has settled, I need a ring size from you and your girlfriend." Zen said.

"Oh yeah do you want my girlfriends measurements first or do you want my ring size." Kuroo asked.

"Any is fine with me." Zen answered.

"Alright well my girlfriend's ring size is (insert ring size) inches/ centimeters." Kuroo replied.  Zen took note of this while getting a measuring tape to measure Kuroo's ring size.

Zen measured Kuroo's ring finger and said, "Alright well you are a size twelve, I'll go find the pair in your size and your girlfriend."

Zen came out of the storage room after a couple minutes with the rings, in a nice grey box.  "So here are the rings you have asked for an the total is 3,000 yen (around 20 dollars)."

"Here is my debit card." Kuroo said handing Zen his card.

"Okay thank you for choosing Ambush Workshop." Zen replied.

"No thank you Zen san." Kuroo said leaving with the small bag, holding the box of rings.

Kuroo left the boutique and saw Kenma smile at his phone.  "So what happened?" Kuroo asked.

"Oh Y/N chan just sent me a video of you from one of your dates, it looks nice." Kenma said showing Kuroo the video.  

The video showed Kuroo sleeping on his stomach with messy hair.  Kuroo's hair was an even bigger mess since it was between two pillows.  He was mumbling something in his sleep that sounded like the periodic table song.  Y/N took a recording because she wanted to watch this moment over an over again. On that day, Y/N and Kuroo decided to stay in, mainly because of the rainy weather (just so Y/N knows).

"Oh that video," Kuroo said with a blush.

*Flash back starts

Kuroo woke up and saw Y/N recording him.  He immediately sat up and tried to get Y/N's phone.  Kuroo felt like playing a joke on her, so he pretended to get mad.

"Hey Y/N chan, please delete that video." Kuroo said trying to be mean, even though he was really bad at it.

"Well why should I, what if I wanted to watch this over in my free time." Y/N taunted with a giggle.

"If  you don't I'll - I'll," Kuroo stuttered terribly.

"I'll what, hmm Tetsu san." Y/N joked.

"Oh god why'd I have to fall in love with someone so cute." Kuroo said as he carried Y/N over his shoulder and set her on to the bed, "If you like laughing so much I'll just tickle you."

Y/N started to laugh really hard, due to the tickling.  "S-Sorry my l-laugh is really b-bad." Y/N tried to say between the giggles.

"It's not bad, I like it," Kuroo complimented, "now I want to hear more."  Kuroo continued to tickle her until she could barely breathe.

* End Flash back

"Anyways, let's get going," Kenma said, "Yaku san and the others have already decided on a place, so they wanted us to come right away."

"Let's get going then." Kuroo exclaimed with a smile.


Another OVA finished.  One more to write before continuing with the actual plot and stuff.  Thank you for your time and happy reading.

- The Author

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