The Last Day

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Y/N woke up to see Kuroo's chest, she blinked a couple of times before actually moving and sitting up.  Before she could sit up though, Kuroo pulled her closer to him and said with a yawn, "Good morning Chibi chan, don't leave me just yet."

"Oh sorry, did I wake you up?" Y/N asked as she hugged Kuroo.

"No I was awake, but I wanted to wait till you woke up." Kuroo replied, "Now let's cuddle please."

"You got it Kuroo san." Y/N whispered into Kuroo's chest.  

Kuroo gave her plenty of kisses on her head before whispering, "Since we don't see each other anymore when we leave this afternoon, make sure you text me when you get back home."

"Yeah of course, and you will do the same right?" Y/N asked.

"Yes of course I will Chibi chan," Kuroo replied as he buried his face into Y/N hair.

After a while of cuddling, the two decided to go drop off Y/N's stuff together and wash up.  Since Y/N's pajamas were pretty normal she decided not to change (if you want to change out, go for it doesn't matter anyways).  Kuroo and Y/N met up and said goodbye to each other, with kisses obviously, and left for their own schedules.

"Hey Kiyoko san and Kaori san." Y/N said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Y/N chan." Kaori said.

"Hey Y/N chan, how did you sleep."  Kiyoko said.

"It went pretty well, the cuddles were nice." Y/N said.

"Yes, I knew they cuddled." Yukie exclaimed as she walked in with Eri, Mako, and  Yachi.

"Kay well we should get started and finish breakfast," Kaori said.

"And then we have to go pack our things up and sadly we have to leave." Kiyoko added.

"This week went by so fast, I wanted to stay longer and talk to you guys." Eri pouted.

"Yeah but on the bright side, we could still meet up to talk because we have each other's numbers."  Y/N said trying to cheer up the girls.

"Plus if we meet up, there would be no work for us to take care of." Mako added, "Now we should get started on our jobs."

"Kay!" Yachi and Yukie exclaimed at the same time.  The girls were preparing breakfast for an hour and served the food for the players.  Before they packed up, they cleaned up the kitchen and ate their food.   After that, they headed over to the managers' room to pack up.

"Alright well I have to get my hair dryer, does anyone need me to pick something up?" Kiyoko asked.

"Can you pick up my shampoo, thanks." Mako requested.

"And can you also get my hair brush that would be great." Yukie added.

"Alright well I'm coming along as well Kiyoko san, I'll help you carry somethings." Y/N volunteered.

"Let's get going then," Kiyoko said as she stood up and opened the door.  Y/N and Kiyoko headed over to bathrooms to pick things up.  They entered the room and picked up the shampoo and other materials.

"So Y/N chan, how is long distance actually going to work?" Kiyoko asked.

"Kuroo san and I are planning to meet up every other week or so," Y/N replied, "and we are either meeting half way or just in Sendai for a date."

"That's perfect then, I'm glad that you have things sorted out." Kiyoko exclaimed as the two walked out with the supplies.

"I wonder what we're going to do for our first week, we could go on a date, but then he would have to waste money and me and I don't want that." Y/N said, "I was thinking of anime and cuddles, but that might be too boring for him.  Oh sorry that you had to hear that, I'll stop ranting now."

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