How it All Started Pt. 1

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"Yes, I have finally made it here." said Y/N tiredly.

Kiyoko stared at the girl, "Hey, you're the new employee that was just hired a week ago."

"Yeah I am, sorry I'm late," Y/N said,"I got on the incorrect train and that messed up my schedule for today."

Kiyoko replied to Y/N while handing you a fern green apron and white bandanna,"That's alright, there's not many customers here."

"My name is Y/N, what's yours." Y/N asked while trying to put on the apron.

"My name is Kiyoko Shimizu, is it alright if I call you Y/N chan, since we're going to get closer anyways?" she asked.

"Sure, does this mean that I can call you Kiyoko san?" Y/N said back.

She replied, "Of course, it's only fair right."

Y/N and Kiyoko were hired to work at this cafe to stand in for the actual boss. The original owners were opening up another shop in Tokyo. Y/N went and got dressed while Kiyoko started to explain how a couple things worked around here. Y/N two were then talking while working and Y/N finally found out that she was a really nice person.

"Hey Y/N, you know you're really adorable right," Kiyoko said, giggling a bit, " it's not only your charm, but your looks as well."

"Oh thanks," Y/N said while smiling a bit," you look a lot better than me though, cause you're more of the ideal type. The hot girl type, you know."

"Thanks, oh and can I get your number you seem like a wonderful friend." Kiyoko said with a smile. Y/N said sure and the two traded numbers.

* Texting Point *

Y/N's phone glowed and she realized that Kiyoko just texted her.

Kiyoko: Hey Y/N, this is me Kiyoko san, wanna meet up for fun next weekend. It's not for work purposes

Y/N: Sure, where are we going

Kiyoko: We can go somewhere around the area, just to talk and get closer

Y/N: K, I'll see you at work tomorrow

Y/N went home happily knowing that she has made a new friend and money

*Time skipp cause I'm lazy( It's also next weekend )

Y/N woke up and got ready to meet with Kiyoko. She got dressed in her favorite outfit and left. "Hey, Kiyoko san did you sleep well" Y/N said. (just imagine your favorite casual outfit)

" Hey Y/N san, I slept well what about you." Kiyoko said happily.

Y/N said back to Kiyoko smiling, " Same, did you eat breakfast yet?"

"Nope not yet," Kiyoko replied, "We should go eat if you haven't yet."

"That's good, I haven't eaten yet," Y/N said.

You guys went to eat at your (favorite fast food restaurant) to talk and eat (I'm sorry about the messy abbreviations sometimes it's pretty self-explanatory and in some cases it isn't, this means your favorite fast food restaurant). Y/N found out that Kiyoko was in 9th grade and is going to Karasuno as a 10th grader like herself. That's when Kiyoko and Y/n wondered why the boss hired two future high school first years to handle their cafe, but they shook it off because they needed the money.

Y/N finally went home and laid in her bed. Y/N was so glad that you had at least one friend that she could hang out with at her new school Karasuno, since she had moved a month ago and no one came along with her.


Lemme explain for a second, if it was hard to understand.  In the first 3 chapters, it's going to explain a couple of things about Y/N.  The actual story will start later sorry if it takes a bit to get to the "tea".  Thank you for your time.

-The Author

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