Y/N's Info

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Background Info:

Hair Color: Any

Eye Color: Any

Height: short around 4'10 to 5'5( if not that's fine cause you're perfect the way you are, but in this fanfic you are)

Body Type: Any (because again you are perfect the way you are)

Clothing Style: Casual

Living Style: Alone in an apartment near Yachi ( will be explained later in the story)

Favorite drink and snack: Milkis and Pocky

Occupation: Works at a cafe with Kiyoko and a student at Karasuno ( the cafe job will only explain how you met Kiyoko and where you get most of your money, and is just added in for the LOLZ)

Hobbies: Any, but listening to music is a thing (isn't really important though)

Personality: She is really kind and sweet, cares about people a lot and enjoys "hyping" others up.  She doesn't really know how to hype herself up other than making others happier.

The first couple of chapters (meaning only 2 or 3 nothing much) is going to explain and show your background a bit and all the "tea" will come later.  I apologize if this x reader is really bad because it's my first time writing anything in a while, let alone a fanfic.  Please tell me if there's any grammar and spelling mistakes because this is also helping me write essays as well.  I don't own any of the art in here by the way.  Thank you for your time if you are reading this.

- The Author 

PS: Please check out my Kageyama work.  Even though it's not completed, the views will make me more excited to finish it.  Thank you!

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