Couple Rings

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[ Start Fall/ Autumn ]

* As you can see above it's a Fall Time Skip *

Y/N was going out with Kiyoko and Yachi for a girls' day out on the weekends.  They went shopping for a couple of things and went to a cafe for breakfast.  It's currently noon and they were still at the mall.  Y/N looked over and saw a nearby jewelry boutique.

"Hey guys do you want to take a look at the jewelry with me?" Y/N asked the other girls.

"Yeah sure, you mean the one over there right?" Kiyoko asked back.

"Yeah that one," Y/N said.

"Let's get going then." Yachi exclaimed.  The girls walked over to the boutique and took a look in the shop.  Y/N came across couple rings and wanted to buy a set for her and Kuroo.

"Hey fellow customer, what brings you here," the sales lady sad, "You could just call me Haruki san by the way."

"Hey Haruki san, you could call me Y/N chan," Y/N replied with a smile, "and can I check out some of the couple rings, that would be nice thanks."

Kiyoko saw Y/N talking to the sales lady and wanted to head over there as well. Yachi followed Kiyoko mainly she wanted to know what was going on.

"Hey Y/N chan, are you going to buy something?" Kiyoko asked.

"Yeah I was thinking of buying couple rings for me and Tetsu san for a while," Y/N replied.

"That's such a cute nickname you have for him." Yachi commented.

"Thanks but he has all the credit." Y/N said with a smile.

"What kind of rings would you like to look at?" Haruki asked.

"Do you have any simple golden rings?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah of course, we have a nice selection of those." Haruki replied. She got some rings out for Y/N to inspect and one of them caught her eye.  The pair of rings looked really simple with a small diamond in the middle.

"Can I take a look at the one right here in the middle row?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah of course here." Haruki said carefully handing the pair of rings over to Y/N.

"These look nice," Kiyoko commented.

"Would you like to measure your ring size to find a match for you and your partner?" Haruki asked.

"Yeah these would be perfect thanks." Y/N answered.  Haruki took a measurement of Y/N's ring finger and found a size perfect for her. 

"Do you know the ring size for your partner." Haruki asked as she put Y/N's ring into a nice box.

"Oh I actually don't," Y/N realized, "do you have anything a bit bigger than my thumb?"

"Let me check for a second, can I measure your thumb?" Haruki asked.

"Yeah of course, anything is fine." Y/N replied.  She measured Y/N thumb and went into the storage room to find something.

"Sorry but we don't have anything at the moment, but we could make a custom rings size for you," Haruki said, "is that alright, you could come pick up the rings after it is delivered here.  All I need is your phone number so I could contact you."

"Yeah sure my number is xxx-xxx-xxxx." Y/N replied, "Thank you for your time."

"No thank you, have a nice day." Haruki exclaimed as the three girls walk out the boutique.

"So why'd you choose that ring Y/N san?" Yachi asked.

"The color of the ring is the same color as Tetsu san's eyes that's why," Y/N replied with a smile.

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