'Till death do us part'

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Korra's P.O.V
I look at myself in the mirror as I frantically straighten my dress.

(See top pic for what the dress looks like)

"Calm down, you're going to be fine," Pema said and smiled, I smile back with an awkward smile. "I'm still nervous, what if she has second thoughts, or what if Anya gets mad about it?" I say frantically, "Or.. or.." I can't even finish a sentence anymore I'm so consumed with nerves! "Don't worry so much, I swear she's not gonna leave." Pema assures me, "She loves you sweet." She says, I smile a bit but am still nervous.

"I know, I know, but what if something else goes wrong? Like my parents can't make it, or-" Pema cuts me off, "Your parents are already on their way. They will be landing soon. As for the rest of the wedding, Tenzin has got it covered." She says, "And Bo is helping too," she quickly adds, and I smile.

A half-hour later I'm all ready. "Ok, you better get to the alter." She says, and I laugh a bit and smile. As I walk out of the room I see my father there. Ready to give me away, I smile and hug him. As we walk down the aisle the music begins to play. Anya is the flower girl, and I can hear Bo crying in the distance. I smile happily, all my nerves and worries melting away as soon as I see Asami. As my father gives me a way I step onto the podium.

I stand across from Asami and smile lovingly. Are we ready to begin? Tenzin asks we both nod and he smiles.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Korra and Asami Sato in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

Mako stands up, "I can give you a reason!" He shouts this is why I didn't invite him! I thought, realizing he crashed the wedding! "Because these two bitches are a bunch of sluts!" He shouts, everyone gasps and I grit my teeth. I am about to do something when Bo gets up. "Sorry bro," Bo says, then punches Mako hard in the face. Knocking him out cold. A couple of people gasp, a few cheers (me being one of the cheerers) and Bo sets him down in a chair. "Sorry about that everyone! Please continue." Bo says, sitting back down.

Everyone slightly shocked turns back to us. Tenzin clears his throat, and continues;

"From what we've already seen here, love can be wonderful, magical, and beautiful. It can also be painful, hard, and cruel. Even though these hardships can sometimes weigh us down. These two women who have become like family to me, are here to show us all that love is possible. Despite the hardships and trials, despite the pain and suffering. There is someone out there for you, for everyone, and all you need to do is look for them. So, today on this truly wonderful occasion we are here to celebrate that!"

"We are here to celebrate the beautiful miracle that is love. And the beautiful miracle that is marriage."

"You may now exchange your vows," Tenzin says,

"Asami, I've been waiting to tell you this since I first met you. You have been my everything since the day I saw you. And I know you are way out of my league, I will work every day to make you happy. To make you feel happy, loved, and cherished for every day of your life. So, I Korra, take you, Asami Sato, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." I finish with tears in my eyes. Asami is tearing up too, she gulps and smiles.

"Korra I loved you before I even met you. I truly believe if there is some sort of fate out there. It brought us together, and with every fiber of my being, I will ensure that your life is full of happiness, love, and my undying affection for you. So, with love in my heart and care in my words; I Asami Sato, take you Korra, to be my wife, my life partner, and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live; until death does us part." Asami says, with truly amazing words, making me cry.

I manage to choke out the next part, "I Korra, give you Asami Sato, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." I grab the ring from Bo and put it on Asami's finger. She smiles with tears in her eyes.

Asami takes a ring from Bo too, and begins, "I Asami Sato, give you Korra, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." She chokes out, just as teary-eyed as me.

"Then now with your vows being spoken and your rings being placed, with love, care, and compassion. Do you Korra, Solemnly swear your full commitment, respect, and undying love for Asami Sato, to take her hand in sickness and in health, threw the good times, and the bad, threw fortune or threw poverty, to laugh with her, cry with her, regardless of hardships or obstacles you may face, promising to faithfully hold her hand and love her threw it all, till death do you part?" Tenzin asks.

"I do," I say passionately.

"And do you, now with your vows being spoken and your rings being placed, with love, care, and compassion. Do you Asami Sato, Solemnly swear your full commitment, respect, and undying love for Korra, to take her hand in sickness and in health, threw the good times, and the bad, threw fortune or threw poverty, to laugh with her, cry with her, regardless of hardships or obstacles you may face, promising to faithfully hold her hand and love her threw it all, till death do you part?" Tenzin asks Asami now.

"I do," she says with just as much passion.

"Then by the power vested in me by Republic City, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Tenzin says happily.

Asami grabs me and we share a passionate kiss, as everyone cheers! Once we break apart Tenzin finishes;

"I present to you, Mrs. and Mrs. Sato!" Tenzin says happily and everyone cheats louder standing up!

I look at Asami and smile, "I love you." I say as she smiles back, "I love you too." She says.

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