Turning the tides

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Korra's P.O.V
I and Asami ran down the street. Through alleys and ditches, anything to go undetected. As we raced to Anya's school. We came across a few Equalists, but either evaded them or took them out.

We finally got towards Anya's school, but as soon as we did they saw a large group of Equalists surrounding the school. I dropped to her knees, I might have cried if Asami wasn't here. I didn't want to fall apart in front of her. Asami came down with me and hugged me tightly. "We'll get her out, I promise." Asami assured I looked up at her in dismay, "How?" I asked sadly, Asami wasn't sure how to answer. "When the United forces come." She said, but I didn't think they'd help. And even if they did, how long would it take to get Anya back. "No." I shook my head, "We have to get her back now." I say, "B-But how?" Asami asked, not quite sure what else to say. I grab two Equalists that were passing by. I quickly knock them out. "This is how," I say and I start changing into the uniform.

Asami does as well, and as soon as our masks are on, we head over. I look around to make sure no one gets suspicious of us. But no one seems to notice us.

I walk into the building with Asami and begin searching for Anya. As we wander the halls we walk past a few Equalists, but no one seems to pay any attention to us. Since we are in disguise I suppose. As we take a turn down a corridor, we hear something. "Your parents are fine little ones. And so are your teachers, but they have a lot of work to do." I peek through the door that the voice is coming from. I see a large classroom full of kids and... ANYA! I almost shout with joy, until I see the voice is coming from an Equalist. "So, I am taking care of you until they return. We have lots of school work to start on. So-" he is cut off when I run into the room and knock him out. The children gasp, but I quickly shush them as Asami closes the door.

"Listen, kids, I am here to help you." I say, "MOM!" Anya shouts and runs up to me, I hug her tightly as Asami comes over to join the hug as well. After we all pull apart, I get all the kids to stand up. We all head through the halls, but we eventually come across some Equalists. "Hey! What are you doing?" One asked, "I.. umm.." I stutter, but Asami cuts in, "We are transferring the kids. Orders straight from Amon." She said, the guards looked at each other. "Are you sure? Why would he care so much about these kids specifically?" He asked, "Um.. because he does. I didn't ask any questions, but if you want to question his judgment. By all means, do so, I will just have to get your name. So, when Amon asks why we couldn't take these kids to him. I'll tell him it was you." She said, "W-Wait! There isn't any need for that. I can bring you all to a bus. Ok?" He said quickly, "Sounds wonderful." Asami said, as they walked towards a bus they loaded the kids up. As I and Asami got in I sat down to drive. "I should probably get someone to come with you." The guard said, "That sounds great, we'll wait for you." Asami says and the guard nods. As soon as he leaves Asami closes the doors and I start driving.

We race across the streets as some guards try to follow us. I lose them and hit quite a lot of things on the way. I drive the bus towards a large tunnel I see. I take the kids into the tunnel with Asami. We lead them down the sewer pipes until we reach a large open space. I look around to find many people around. No one seems to care we're here. I find someone and talk to them about this place. At the end of the day, I am so tired I collapse almost instantly. In the small tent, we were given.

The next day I wake up to find Asami nowhere near me. I run out of the tent and look around. I see her playing with Anya and some of the other kids. As soon as she sees me she ushers Anya to play with the other kids. I approach her as Anya wanders away. Asami stands up, "Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something. Privately." She says and I nod, I take her to the tent. "What do you want to talk about?" I ask and all of a sudden she gets on one knee. She grabs a small box from her pocket and opens it. Revealing a simple gold band, I start to tear up. "Listen, I know this is crazy, but these are scary times. I want to know that if we don't make it out of this. That at least I am engaged to the most beautiful, most wonderful, smart, sexy, woman in the world! I love you Korra, so you better say yes!" She as she says this I practically balled. Tears flowed from my eyes. "Yes, of course, I will! I love you!" I say as I jump on her. She puts the ring on my finger and we kiss deeply. "Let's tell Anya!" She says happily, we run and tell her. "Weee!" Anya shouts in joy and we all hug tightly. "Hey! You guys should come and see this." Someone calls to us, I roll my eyes, but I and Asami follow them. We wander to an open area that looks out to the sea. As we stand there I see something. I see, the United Forces! They're here, with an entire armada of battleships! I smile, "We are gonna beat them! We are going to win and then we can get married!" I shout happily until I hear the sounds of plane engines.
Hey guys! I am so sorry it took so long, and I know this is a short chapter too. But I was really busy this week, I got my braces recently, and they hurt! Haha! So, it's taking a while to get stuff out there. But I will try to get the next one out soon.

Don't forget to comment! And vote! Bye!

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