Marriage Contract

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"Sure Mrs. Kim! I will be extremely joyous if jin's and your decision s a 'yes'. I don't want to push you to give me the answer that I desired for, yet hope for a yes...I know that marriage is the crucial step taken for a life that has to be shared by two young people, and it should be their choice to choose and decide as who should be their life partner...To tell you the fact, I was extremely impressed by Jin from the very day he joined our organisation! I had observed him for three long years, before coming up to this conclusion that he is a perfect match to my son! I always wished that Jin had born to me, That much I adore this child!" Mr. Jeon gasped and looked at Jin reflecting his parental love for him.

"Jin's mannerly behaviour, discipline, hardworking nature, Understanding capabilities, kindness and friendly behaviour...what not?! all his characteristics kept my desire alive to have him in my own family as my Son-in Law. His beauty is mesmerising that my son will be head over heals for him, I am sure of that! I am not just speaking of his external beauty but his inner beauty as well which is evident in his kind and sweet gestures to everyone. I feel that he is a perfect person for my son.Therefore, I came up with this proposal of mine to you." Mr.Jeon added and kept his tea cup on the table. He looked at Jin with hopeful eyes to have his agreement.

"Thank you for all your kind words for Jin Mr. Jeon. But does Jungkook know your thoughts?" Mrs.Kim asked curiously.

"Not yet Mrs. Kim. Unless I have your consent, I cannot ask Jungkook. To tell you the truth, he has been a bit spoilt child from the beginning. After his mother passed away, I could not be a very good parent due to the busy dealings of my business. I know I have been wrong. I could have disciplined him more. But I could not do that and regret it till date, even though he turned 25." He teared up a bit.. wiping his eyes he said,

"But, he never denied my decisions for his life. So I am sure that he will never say no to this proposal. I can also assure you that he will take good care of Jin. His heart is very good and kind" he declared with confidence.

"Jin! I know what is in your mind. You are terrified that this society would take an opportunity to consider and name you as a gold digger or probably you are worried that my son may think so ... Trust me, Jungkook is my son.. He would never ever think like that. I can guarantee you that he looks after you well. and I don't care what society thinks because I am well aware of how respectful your family and you are... my richness is nothing compare to your brilliant, kind and sweet personality son! Your eomma and appa raised you well and your brother supported you well to make you as a decent individual. I always wanted a person like you as my son in law. God heard my prayers and showed you. I will assure that under every circumstances Jungkook takes good care of you. Now don't consider me as an outsider my child. I am your parent too... So please trust my words." Listening to such loving words, Jin smiled at Mr.Jeon and looked at his parents and nodded as yes for the marriage proposal...

Jungkook's POV

"Congrats JK on getting married to the most beautiful person on the planet!" he sipped his red wine. I saw at Namjoon with utmost disgust, since he seems to be drooling, while staring at Jin from the place we are standing. Namjoon eyes are full of admiration or probably lust!

"You think so?" I tried to sound cold since I did not want to care how pretty Jin is or what really namjoon thinks about him! I am marrying to Jin just because my father forced me. I love my dad and never want to make him feel bad. I really don't like Jin..his prettiness alone cannot be a qualification for this marriage.. I have my own set of likes and interests.. I don't feel Jin has any of the qualities that I want in my partner.. I don't understand what fascinates my father about Jin! No doubt he is very beautiful but he is no where a match to me! At least in my view....
When my father went and asked his parents for his hand for me, like a fool I waited in my car, out of their house, not knowing why my dad went to his employee's house and what he was doing there! He was talking over my marriage alliance!! It was the first time he has done something like that! But as soon as he came out of their home, I saw his eyes were glistening! After so many years, he showed up this happy face to me! My mother's death kept him sad for years together. I was excited and felt happy that I could see him joyus. Of course I wondered as what made him so happy, but as soon as I learned the reason, I was shocked and fumed in anger.

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