"It's nice to meet all of you as well... sadly, my ex husband hasn't mentioned any of you to me. Thank you for taking the time to take care of our luggage!" Plastering a fake smile on my face before grabbing the hands of Cole and Reyna once they walked over to us, walking out of the jet.

I am not his wife.

Not anymore.


I was now at Winston's parents' house. It was his decision that we'd come here to see them. I couldn't help but laugh at Winston's face when his parents ran past him and went towards the kids and I.

He looked like a sad little puppy. As soon as I left with Winston I kept getting calls from Xavier so I ended up turning my phone off. I'm still pissed at him, how dare he tell others that we're still married?

He's the one that had me sign the divorce papers. He was so eager for me to sign them but now he's still claiming me.... little piece of sh-

"Oh my god! Look at you, you've grown into such a beautiful woman... it doesn't even look like you had any children. Sucks to be me." Skya sighed out causing both me and Drew to laugh at her. "Skya you look just as beautiful as before." I explained, earning a smile in return.

"Are you uncle Winnie's mommy?" Reyna asked as she and Cole came closer, suddenly being interested in our conversation.

"I sure am! Is my son giving you any trouble? Just let me know and I'll handle him." Skya stated while eyeing her son who was still pouting in the corner of the room.

"Uncle Winnie eats the pop tarts and bacon that mommy cooks for me! I tell him to stop but he won't listen." Reyna pouted out, Skya immediately glaring at Winston.

"Wait a minute! Don't come over here now that she mentions me eating her food. You guys didn't even acknowledge me, your son just in case you forgot. And Reyna isn't all sunshine and rainbows either. She'll bite, pull at your hair and pinch you." Both Drew and Skya were now laughing before bringing Winston in for a hug.

"You know we were just playing with you, we missed you so much. You've grown into such a handsome young man!" She gushed out as she began pinching his cheeks playfully, causing him to move away. "Do we have a son-in-law to be looking forward to meeting?" Drew asked. Oh brother...

"No, and you probably won't ever have one. All the guys I meet are not who I'm looking for. Hell, I don't even know what I'm looking for at this point. I've met guys that are either not looking for a serious relationship, guys that are already in a relationship or don't really like men." He rushed out before plopping down on the couch next to me.

"Annddd Axarii's back in contact with you know who." Glaring at him as I heard Skya gasp. I'm really gonna kill him.

"Is it true? If it is I won't judge you on it... I mean have you guys seen that behind? I'm sorry but it's just-"

"Hey!" Both Drew and Winston yelled out, stopping her from finishing that sentence. I'm telling you, she's one crazy woman.

"I don't know if you've forgotten but there's children within the premises darling." Drew mentioned, Skya smiling sheepishly before muttering out a 'sorry'.

"When he says back in contact with him he's talking about whenever we're discussing something that deals with the kids, nothing more than that." I shrugged, while everyone in the room stared at me as if I were lying.

"Oh sure honey, and I wouldn't dare leave Drew for that man." Drew shot a look at her that told her she was gonna get it later.

"I'm only kidding sweetie! You're the only one I'll ever need. It's not like I could keep up with a guy like him, it's a blessing you were able to back then." She muttered while staring at Reyna and Cole with much excitement.

"Alright. That's enough of that for today. These guys have been fussing on seeing their grandparents so first we're off to go see Arii's dad and those two little mocosos." A laugh escaped from me as I watched Winston shudder at the thought of seeing them.

Let's just say the three could never get along. After spending a few more minutes catching up with his parents, them asking the kids about everything in their lives ended with us laughing every second.

"You take care now okay? Remember to follow your heart, don't let my son influence you. He loves you and will respect your decision no matter what." Skya spoke out before giving me a brief hug.

"So, when are you going to call him back?" Winston asked as soon as we were all in his old car, driving towards the address Drew told us about. "I don't know. Whenever we're going to go visit his family I guess." I sighed out before looking out the window.

By now Cole and Rey would be sleep but they were filled with excitement as they were about to meet their grandpa, uncle and aunt for the first time.

I honestly wanted to throw up at the thought of seeing them after all these years. I should be ready to face them by now but the butterflies in my stomach were saying otherwise. After replaying everything that's been going on, I don't really blame myself as much for my mother's death but I still feel guilty.

"When can we go see Nana and Papa? I want to see daddy." Reyna pouted, snapping me out of thought. Just a moment ago she wanted to see my people and now she wants to go back to Xavier...

"But I thought you wanted to meet Auntie Yumi?" Winston asked her. She then began smiling with excitement at the thought. Yeah, she's definitely her father's daughter.

It only took us a few more minutes of driving before we were finally standing in front of the door, me hesitating on knocking. "Do you need some help with knocking oorrr?" Winston slurred out, earning a glare from me. Taking in a deep breath before knocking on the door.

After waiting a few seconds the sound of the door being unlocked was heard and I'm sure anyone could make out the sound of my heart beating like crazy. I then looked up before I found my eyes tearing up looking at the person in front of me, them doing the same.



Okay, so I lied obviously... I was supposed to upload this chapter weeks ago but we see how that turned out☠️ I'm so sorry for those that have been waiting. I kept throwing it to the side just to do other things that are not that serious. From now on I want to promise when I'm going to be updating another chapter unless I'm sure I'll be done by then. Thank you for your patience, love you all and see you soon bye!!❤️

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