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"Happy New Year Lynn!" Zac yells, throwing the garbage in his hand across the room at her as she steps into the apartment.

"Hey! Fuck off." She laughs, "and call me Z. That's my name in LA. Also your mom said to slap you for not coming home for the holidays."

"Tell her to fuck off, I sent her an expensive gift because I make bank over the holidays here. Not all of us work for Hollywood and people who take vacations for holidays." He laughs.

"She sent this too." Z tosses a small package at Zac, letting it bounce of his bare chest as his long dark hair whips around his face when he flinches.

"You good to work the desk tonight? Zane says we have had some last minute bookings and might need all three chairs filled for a few hours."

"Let a girl shower and I'll find my way down. You guys did clean the bathroom while I was gone right?" She adds, sticking her head back out of the room.

"Twice even." He laughs.

"Thank fuck at least Levi is clean." She calls back knowing the third roommate is definitely the one who cleaned, probably before his girlfriend stayed over both times, she'd have to thank Ruby next time she saw her.

Emptying the contents of her backpack onto her bed she sorts out the washable and dry clean only before finding a new outfit. If she's working in the shop tonight and they're busy it's going to be hot. Finding a simple white cropped t-shirt and black denim shorts to wear she hurries across the living room, surprised to find the bathroom in pristine condition.

Showering off the road trip from Vegas she spends her time blow drying and adding a little curl to her hair, applying ample makeup before starting a load of laundry.

"Z?" She pokes her head out of the laundry closet as someone calls.

"Hey Rubes!" She grins at the girl who's unnaturally red hair looks freshly dyed.

"Are you almost ready to come help me? You are way better at the desk than me. You scare people, even big biker dudes."

"Almost. You just gotta show them they don't scare you girl." Z laughs.

"But they do kind of scare me." Ruby laughs, wandering over to her.

"What are you going to do when Levi decides to take you home to meet his parents? Cuz all our dads are big tattooed biker dudes that scare you."

"Beg and plead for you to come with us and help me." She laughs at the response.

"If I come it's for the enjoyment of watching you be afraid of the biggest teddy bears in the fucking world. Come on, who do I need to fight for you?" Z rolls her eyes, dragging the other girl from the apartment and down into the tattoo shop below.

"Lynn's home! Go tell Zane we need him on a chair and get to work or we ain't splitting tips." Levi calls.

"I'm going. Your poor girlfriend needs me to protect her since your ass can't do it." She smirks.

"Fuck off!" He yells back, the guy in his chair laughing.

"Holy shit, we are busy." Her eyes go wide as she looks past the little half wall to see about six people sitting around.

"Finally!" Zane whines, hugging her tightly.

"Good to see you too." She laughs, patting his back softly, "go. I've got front covered. What times do we have?"

"Levi is doing these three when he's done with Pat. They all have little ten minute ones. Zac's just about done with his, and he's got an appointment coming in soon, a two hour I think is what he booked out for it. A regular customer, and James and I are headed back to do a four hour."

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