#9. Gender Identity Disorder

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#9. Gender Identity Disorder

G.I.D (internet's definition): a conflict between a person's physical gender and the gender he or she identifies as.

This has been a very hard thing for me (personally), and I do believe this is a true thing that (yes) real people deal with. Some may not even identify themselves as this to be a Disorder. But yes, it is. I (personally) have definitely left like this and still do most of the time, as the other gender. I did not know this was a real thing (recently found this) and I don't believe this is what they should have named this Disorder. Umm, if you didn't understand the definition, I can give you an example. It's quite simple. Let's say you have this boy your friends with, and you found out he actually felt and would rather be identified as a Girl. This can be told as the other way around. I (most of my life) have felt like this, and even morely dressed like this at one point. I did though kinda grew out of this state. But yes this is real. I've seen this. I may even BE this (explains a lot). And I believe this shouldn't be a problem. I am realizing though, it probably is. Later on I will come back to this with more info. Again, don't hate. Appreciate. That's all I can ask of you there. But yah, if you have this, or think you do. I understand. I get you.

So umm yah...
(Sorry for late update!)

Love you all,


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