#29. Non-Binary

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Google's Definition: adjective;
1. not relating to, composed of, or involving just two things.
"Aristotelian ontology is nonbinary on the second level in that it allows for degrees of being"

Non binary; a term i havent been able to use. I didnt want to talk about this until i was comfortable with calling myself non binary.

So here we are.

So what really is non binary? Well, its being neither female or male in most cases. Its like the best and worst thing to call yourself. Its the best because then you can truly dress to your own attire; but bad because theres always someone bound to ask "Are you a lesbian?". Some may even say "Just pick a fucking title and stick with it!"

Okay well listen to this old racist homophobic guy; hop off my dick. I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Leave me the fuck alone man.

But what do i personally think of this? I mean, yeah i call my self under this title but..

I dont really fucking care. At all. I dont.

For me personally i dont give two shits about what people should call me. Listen just call me by my name do i have to spell it for you?

I have boobs so im straight going to be giving the terms "she" and "her".

And sometimes it bothers me cause people assume everything.
And i hate assumsutions.

But comon really people for those who want to be called "they" or "their" or even "it" like IS IT THAT IMPORTANT?!?

And if it is then good for you.

But at the end of the day, no one gives two shits about what YOU care for, so dont expect people to automatically call you by your terms.

As long as you believe in yourself, believe in your beliefs, and love yourself thats what matters.

Because fuck everyone else.

You guys are amazing!
Love you lots;

Jae 💋

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