14. Interview: Straight Male and Female

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14. Interview: Straight Male and Female

Name: @Mrs-Drowned

Name: Austin G.

Gender: Female

Gender: Male

Questioned on: Straight

#1. Are you Satisfied with your sexual orientation?

F: Yep but being another one wouldnt hurt.

M: Yeah, i like being straight.

#2. Have you ever experienced sexual arousing towards more then one sex?

F: Hm no.

M: Not really, girls turn me on.

#3. Do you accept other sexualities?

F: Hell yeah.

M: Yeah.

#4. Are you comfortable with havih a relationship with a person who is involved with more then one sex?

F: Yeahh

M: Yeah

#5. How do you feel how religion and the Gov. has dealt with the problem?

F: both ae shit. religion makes it worse. and the government only makes some states legal for gay marriage if there ae less states. people that are married in those places are more likely to be harassed.

M: I dont really care about it.

#6. Are you satisfied with ho you are you and another is another?

F: Yes.

M: Yeah.

#7. How open are you with your sexuality?

F: Very open.

M: Very.

If you would like to be interviewed, send me #BeInterviewed . You can be anonymous if you wish.

Love you all,


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