20. Sapiosexuality

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20. Sapiosexuality

Sapiosexuality (Internets definition): Sapiosexuality is a sexual orientation where the primary feature that one finds attractive is intelligence, rather than appearance or body. It commonly goes hand-in-hand with asexual-spectrum orientations.

This is an interesting sexuality I've came across. If you don't understand the definition above, I'll explain here. Sapiosexuality is being attracted to another persons intelligence. This study has amazed me to the point of knowing anything and everything can be a sexuality. Anyway, let's say your attracted to a person. But not for appearance or personality, but on how smart you are. Or how stupid you could be. You may be either attracted to stupid people, or intelligent people. Depending on what your preference is. Surprisingly, I believe this is quite common in today's society. Most people rather have an intelligent partner then a dumb partner. But either way, everyone is their own individual souls and can choose to be and do whatever they desire.

so uh yeah,

love you guys,


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