#8. Sexual Orientation

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#8. Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation(internet definition): an enduring pattern of romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination of these) to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender.

Yes, I know I've done this already. But I feel like I need to daree this again. But differently. (This was the Internet's definition vs my definition.)

Ok so I went on a beautiful place known as EP (too lazy to explain what that is) to see if anyone (anonymously) would like to allow me to interview them. Now, I don't usually ask the same questions when questioning an individual but this was ridiculous. I man, about maybe in his late 20's (yep, that's right. I will question older people, don't judge) and he didn't know what Sexuality was. I'm not kidding. In quote he said "Sexuality? Wtf is tht? Doesn't that have to do with having sex? Or with those faggots?"

(Epic FacePalm)

Like, you have to be kidding me. Really? And first of all, they're not to be called faggots, but Humans. SINCE WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS ANYWAY.

And second, the stupidity the man had was blown through the roof. I'm not trying to sound mean, but really? I'm freaking 13 (14 in March) and I know more then you? I can't. I just can't. It's so sad how little knowledge some people have. I feel like I just had to address this.

This is my QOTD (question of the day): what was your most stupid experience you've ever had?

So umm yah,

Love you all,


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