Chapter Twenty three

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Y/n's pov

I felt like I have been ran over by a truck my head was pounding my whole body was aching I wonder what the hell they gave me

Then I remember what happened
I'm kidnapped once again

Opening my eyes I glance around the place yep I was in dark room again and me being tied up not with robes but with chains and held against the wall..

This was something I never have seen but what shocked me and feared build inside me when I saw various type of weapons on the table little far away from me ...

Different types of knifes
And more stuff I don't even know their names but they were horrible..

I sighed

I think that's the end of me it's not like I even care everything which happened to me in my life ..
Everything was pain for me

I suffered from my family ..
Their beating
Their words
I was never their daughter I was a slave to them nothing else

I was never been loved by someone everyone hated me and treated me like I'm no one but him


He actually showed love to me even if he was angry mafia boss but he didn't do any harm to me
He only showed affection to me
No one have hugged to comfort me or help me from my nightmares...
he was my first kiss
First person who gave me love and affection
First person to hug me
First person to like me
And mostly he's the first who brought happiness in me it didn't matter to me he kidnapped me but I was grateful he took me out of something like jail

My parents..
I wonder if they will find me or they are looking for me

I wonder what jacob is doing will he come for me ? or he will just leave me

I'm stuck here

I miss him

I miss his sister

I miss them

Tears were running down from my face
As I thought about them I miss them so much specially jacob

I heard the door being unlocked and someone coming in

I didn't look up I was terrified who that person might be

" look up bitch " manly voice came but I didn't look up

Then he grabbed my chin harshly to make look at him

What I saw almost made me throw he was ugly

Black eyes , dark black hair , his face covered with scars god knows what happened to it ,
Yellow teeth even his breath smell like cigarettes and alcohol I think he was lucky I didn't puke at him
He was around Jacob's age

He was nothing like jacob not even a single bit
Jacob was everything girls wanted
A handsome Greek god

" you are stubborn bitch no wonder why he likes you " he laughed and left my chin


" why I'm here" I tried not to show any emotions that I'm scared

" ah you see ...I want to hurt him in any way I can to put him down so I can take his place of being mafia and you are the target for that " he said

" why you want to take his place?" I asked

He laughed and walked to the weapons

I gulped hoping he won't do anything

" you are so naive..seriously you don't know about his gang? Well let me tell you .." he picked the blade and walked towards me

" his gang is the most powerful and most feared from all the gangs and everyone respect him, no one dares to touch anything of him or disrespect him cause they know if they do death is only waiting for them especially if it's something precious of him is stolen and destroyed..."

He dipped the blade on my arm ripping my skin open I winched from the pain

Blood tripped down from my skin to the floor he stared at my arm smiling then back up

" if he's the most powerful gang then why you are not scared of him " I asked in pain

If I'm going to die I will get my answers from him..

" you don't know who I am and I'm pretty sure jacob won't even like fight with me .." he laughed evily

" then tell me who are you" I said

" I'm not surprised he didn't told you this but I will tell you before you die anyway...well I'm Daniel and I was his bestfriend and we have been friends for years till one day everything changed when he became the leader of the most powerful mafia and I was jealous of him..I needed his place and I tried everything to get his place but nothing changed that's when I killed his parents right in front of him.." he said

My eyes widen...

His parents were killed in front of him
The nightmare he had when I was with him he was yelling somone to don't hurt them ..

It was his parents
He was screaming in dream for his parents

My heart broke for the pain he went through I felt like crying for him he didn't deserve any of this

" why would you do that" my voice cracked ..

" because I thought if I kill something which means everything to him will break him so he will stop everything and leave the gang so I could be the leader but no he became ruthless, stronger and even more powerful..I remember when I killed his parents his eyes were empty seeing his parents lifeless body in front of him I thought I won at that moment but his eyes almost changed to red from anger and trust me I have never seen him that mad before" he chuckled

What the hell

His parents were killed infront of him and he didnt expected him to be mad is he insane?

I felt my blood boil for everything he did to him over jealously

He broked him
He took his parents away from him
He took his world away

" I was like brother to him but after that everything ended " he looked at me and grabbed my face

" I betrayed him and I will do again to take his place and you are his last thing left I will destroy him even more till he kill himself for the pain I'm giving him" he said through his teeth and pushed my face harshly back then walked out of the room ..

"FUCK YOU!" I yelled at him tears streaming down my eyes for jacob

I would do anything to make jacob happy back

I promised myself I will end the killer of his parents even if it means killing myself

Well hope you liked this chapter so far if u did please vote or comment and if there is anything mistakes I will fix them later

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