Chapter Ten

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                               Jacob's Pov

My eyes directly landed on y/n ...

Laying on the floor blood around her body everywhere deep cuts , bruises on her body
Her clothes almost ripped off when I noticed it's not even her clothes , she's wearing the same clothes I gave her mine week ago and she still kept it
Her fragile body on the cold floor lifeless my blood boiled what my eyes were seeing right infront of me
Turning my eyes from her body to two same man and women standing I saw before

The man holding the exact same knife he was holding before coming to the house
He did this to her
And her wife didn't stopped him
It seems like they have both enjoyed doing this to her
They both were smiling at y/n's lifeless body

Raising my gun pointing at both of them

" who did this to her ?!!" I asked even though I know they did , it was clear cause they had blood on them
They had their hands raised up

" why do you care?! Just leave her she deserve it you can join with us too if u want" the man said smirking at me

" fucking hell !!" I hissed I knock the man with my gun but I didn't shot him he fell on the ground unconscious

Never in my life I hit women but now i have no choice I grabbed her from back placing a black poison cloth on her face .. she struggled in my arms to get out of my grip she might be older than me but she isn't strong and she fell on the ground unconscious too beside her husband

I hurried myself and ran to y/n kneeling down
I took her body in my lap
"Y/n ?! Wake up!" I yelled
Placing my ear on her chest I could only hear her faint heart beat ..
I need to take her to hospital now !

Picking her up like bride style I hurried to my car
blood was everywhere on her body my clothes were now soaked with blood too but I was careless now I just want her to take hospital not in public hospital but the one I have cause I can't go or they will found about me that I'm gang leader

I drove us to back my mansion I have already called the doctor and he's on his way to my mansion in mins

When I finally arrived my mansions
I took her from my car running straight to my room laying her down on my bed while i was running
the doctor was already there and he followed me too including my sister as well

" what the hell happened Jacob?!!"
My sister screamed

" can you just shut the fuck up ?!! Dr Lucas please help her she lost so much blood " I was worried about her I don't know how and why I'm worrying about her but seeing her in pain my heart didn't liked not even a little bit

" you both can leave I'll check up on her " the dr said

I nodded and left the room with my sister

" can you tell me now what happened?!" 'My sister asked again

I sighed

" I don't know Caroline I was just in my car when I saw a man with knife going into big house I thought he was a killer first but the women who opened the door when he knocked on the big house they hugged and kissed then went inside together I thought I was overthinking but FUCK NO!! I heard screams from the house that's when I ran into the house and saw her lifeless laying on floor with those both people smiling at her I was just in my car and this all happened!" I told her rubbing my forehead frustrated

My sister was quite with her eye wide open

" where are those people now?" She asked

hopefully dead but I know I left them in the house after knocking them out
My men will go and pick up their bodies I don't have to stress about that and deal with them right now all I care about y/n when she is going to wake up i have to ask her what the hell happened why she ran away how she got in that house and who are they maybe she knows or... what if they are her parents? Wait no that can't be true no parents will like to hurt their child right?

" I knock them out my men will get them from the house then lock them in the room where I keep these types of people " I told her

" do you have any idea who they might be ?!" Gosh she ask so many questions

" no " I simply said

" what if they are her parents or someone where she used to live before she got here ? "

I think for min maybe it could be but I can't say anything till I get my answers from her

" I feel like it's her parents .. do you remember when you took her here first day and you told me you saw bruises on her face and you thought your man hit her right? " she said

" yes I remember what's about that?" I said confused

" Jacob she doesn't only have bruises on her face her whole body is covered with bruises ,cuts and dark marks she so tiny and slim it's like no one even gave her food for months she's weak I had to tell you about this but I forgot "
my sister said in a low voice

My eyes widen in shock

" she have more bruises?!" I asked

" sadly yes "

" I wonder who did this to her but one thing I'm for sure whoever that person is they had been doing this to her for years " she said

" I will see who are those people " I told her

" sir!" I heard my doctor called me

" she have lost so much blood we need more blood for her to get her well but worst thing is right now is that we don't have the same blood she has "
He said

My heart started to racing we need blood for her

" what's her blood type ? I asked him worried

" it's AB- her blood is rare "

Wait AB- ?!

" you can take my blood it's AB- " I said
My sister's and doctor's eyes widen in shock
Yes I never gave someone my blood she's going to be first

I don't know but I want her to be alive
No one deserves to die specially y/n

I hope you liked this but let me warn y'all this story will contain many things like this since this is gang leader story so be ready for that cause this is just the beginning
Vote or comment if u want more ❤️

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