Chapter Fourteen

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Let us not become weary in doing good, for at a proper time we will reap a harvest if we don't give up.
-Galations 6:9-

God walked on the pavement. He looked Lucifer in the eyes.

"Edward Morton." God said.

"Pathetic waste of a human being." Lucifer said spitting on the ground.

"Lucifer, I am sick of you doing this. You have been putting people's lives in danger just because someone rubbed you the wrong way." God said.

"God, I am evil. Ok? I can do whatever I want and you can't stop me. Well, you can but I won't let you!" Lucifer said.

"Come at me." God said. Lucifer looked at God confused.

"Come again?" Lucifer asked.

"Come at me. Try to kill me. Beat me up." God said.

"Are you challenging me?" Lucifer asked.

"What are you, chicken?" God asked.

"Oh it is on!" Lucifer shouted and the 2 of them collided.

A storm brewed in the sky. A light of darkness and a ball of light started colliding against each other. Everyone on Earth was there to see it. Watching, recording it on their phones.

"I don't believe it, this is a miracle of God!" One person said.

"Yep sure is." The other person said.

"Come on, is that the best you got?" God asked Lucifer.

"You are tough." Lucifer said.

"I'm not tough, you are just a weak little demon!" God said.

The balls were still colliding. Everyone still watched it. It was a sight for sore eyes.

"Alright!" Lucifer yelled. "I've had enough!"

"So, you've learned your lesson?" God asked.

"Yes, yes I did. Leave humanity alone." Lucifer said.

"I highly doubt you will obey me though." God said.

"You got that right." Lucifer said. The 2 walked away on separate paths. Lucifer to Hell, and God to Heaven.

The balls disapeared and everyone went back to their normal lives.

The 4 guys were leaving but they heard a little voice scream Daddy. They turned around and sae Joey running towards them. Leon ran up to Joey with open arms and gave him a big hug.

"I knew you were gonna be alright." Joey said.

"I knew you would too." Leon said.

"Let's go home." Joey said.

"I thought you'd never ask." Leon said. Everyone laughed.

So let the heavens rejoice, let the Eartb be glad, let them say among the nations:



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