Chapter Four

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Wednesday came like a flash. Like the speed of light almost. Maybe even a little slower or faster. But not approximate.

Kevin sat in the last pew on left that was towards the exit.

Kevin had his plan all figured out. He was going to sit at the end and watch the sermon and if nothing was happening, he'd leave.

Kevin wasn't big on religion like he used to be. He hadn't been for a long time. He always saw Christianity as a sort of Cult full of religious hypocrites that used Religion as an alibi to bully others who either had a different religion or were simply non believers. And Kevin was not for that life. He considered it treason.

He watched as Morton read from Psalms 145:

"The Lord watches over all who love him, but the wicked, he will destroy."

His evil eye peered through the crowd almost in a sort of madman demeanor. He continued:

"Obey God, he will watch over you and let nothing from Satan come to you, but the ones who don't, God will destroy."

Morton walked around the auditorium and finally set eyes on Kevin. Kevin felt Morton's evil eye lock on him. It was a diabolical feeling. And he wanted no part in it.

Morton ran towards the back where Kevin was and almost flew or levitated towards him.

"God will punish you for what you've done, rotten sinner. You are what is wrong with this putrid, filthy, and vile world." Morton said pointing his almost skeletal forefinger at Kevin. Kevin was confused. Not this shit again he thought.

"Me? What have I done?" Kevin asked Morton. But Morton just ignored his question and looked at him wickedly. There was a whisper chit chat echoing around the auditorium. Spectators were confused as to what was going on. What was going on? Could it get worse?

"Hey! I asked you a question! What have I done, huh. What have I done to make God upset?" Kevin asked.

"Don't tempt The Reaper." Morton said in a violent whisper. Kevin rolled his eyes in ignorance.

"Oh not this shit again." Kevin said to himself.

"Look, there is no Reaper coming for me. And guess what? There is no Devil, there is no God, there is no Heaven and Hell. And there isn't no fucking Jesus Christ coming back!" Kevin yelled out of anger.

Morton fell down with a gasped shriek. Everyone got up and ran over to Morton's aid. Everyone was just as confused as Kevin. What the hell was going on?

Then, Morton threw himself up onto his feet, knocking some of the deacons around him onto the ground.

"You will pay for what you have done, Kevin. All the sins of your mother and father are on your hands. You will join me in Hell." Morton said in a low demonic voice.

Everyone in the room gasped. Some even started praying rapidly in fear.

Morton levitated through the auditorium and started attacking the audience. Starting with Ms. Black who was one of the rapid prayers.

"Pastor Morton?" Ms. Black asked in a low weepy voice. She was shaking and trembling in fear.

"Whore. You whore of the Devil." Morton screamed in his demonic voice as he lifted his hand to strike her but someone striked him. It was Beck. She striked Morton with a wooden cross next to the wall.

Morton turned to look at her. His eyes showed no pupil. He started talking in demonic tongues.

"You will feel the pain of your-" Morton didn't finish because he dropped to the ground and blacked out.

Everyone stood around the body. They stayed clear from his path. Kevin ran over to Beck to calm her down for she was trembling in fear and tears.

"I just called the police. They are on their way. Are you ok?" Kevin asked. She nodded. Kevin looked around and noticed no one was hurt or injured. Kevin walked over to Ms. Black.

"Hey, are you ok, ma'am?" Kevin asked.

"Just stay away from me, sinner." Ms. Black said in anger and she walked off. She shoved her way through the crowd of people.

"What? I was mad! Ok, mad!" Kevin said. It wasn't his fault. Morton was to blame. He was fucked up in the head. It was all Kevin could do to survive. Right?

When Kevin got home, he called Leon and told him all that happened.

"See, I told you the nigga was messed up in the head. The nigga literally terrifies me. Straight to the bone." Leon said. "So you are saying his voice was like a demon?"

"Yes. Like a lower version of Reagan from The Exorcist. You know, when she is possessed." Kevin said.

"Well, I've never seen The Exorcist." Leon said.

"Oh." Kevin said. "Apparently, Morton knows I turned away from God. He kept calling me a Sinner and all that jazz."

"Huh, that's fucking weird." Leon said. "Hey I gotta let you go, my phone is dying on me."

"Alright, talk to you later." Kevin said.

"Bye." Leon said and he hung up. Kevin walked over to his bed and layed down. And before he knew it, he dozed off to dreamland.

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